Thanks for the post Vijaya, We hope to see you at Migration 16, October 11-14, Green Valley Resort and Spa, Las Vegas, NV!
To answer your questions, I’ll take some screen shots from the Website where we explain what goes on during the event and add some color!
A good way to look at Migration is that we have an immersive COPA Living (think social) and COPA Learning (think drinking from the COPA firehose!) immersive three day experience.
While many people arrive and register Thursday afternoon, on Thursday morning we have the Owner’s Maintenance class taught by our Board President Roger Whittier. This is a hands on event where Roger walks folks through many common problems and pitfalls as well as teaching ways you can lower your maintenance costs. This is a very popular class that fills up early:
Thursday evening we have our welcoming social event, COPA Cabana. Think of seeing old friends and meeting new ones in a relaxed 'around the pool" atmosphere. From the Website
Friday Morning we kick off the day with a plenary session where we hold the COPA Annual Member’s meeting. At this meeting Roger gives a “State of COPA” address and Members are able to ask Roger and Board Member’s questions as well as the election of new Board Members:
Following the Annual Meeting, we are fortunate to have Rick Beach provide his annual Safety Stand Down address. Rick’s data driven approach to safety has literally changed the way we fly our planes:
And during the Annual Meeting and the Safety Stand Down, Mike Radomsky, COPA Chairman Emeritus, offers right seaters his extremely popular Partner In Command Course. Here is a brief description:
“Frequent Cirrus right-seaters need to understand and prepare for the unlikely eventuality that the pilot may become incapacitated during a flight. The material covers much more than simply “pull the CAPS handle.” Does your partner know how to talk on the radio - even if isolated on the audio panel? What to say? How to squawk 7700? How to find and activate the ELT from the right seat? How to help a choking victim? How to recognize and react to Carbon Monoxide poisoning? Hypoxia? How to use the autopilot to steer to a CAPS-suitable area? What to do on the way down? After landing? These are among the many topics covered in the seminar, aided by a booklet that also serves as a checklist for use in an emergency and a handy quick reference card.”
COPA Learning Sessions start after lunch Friday and run all day Saturday with “A” and “B” track offerings. Again, the Website has a detailed listing of the sessions, but we offer a deep dive into many Cirrus centric topics- Mike Radomsky’s “Training For Emergencies”, Scott Williams popular “Top Ten Legal Mistakes Made by Owner’s” , John Bone speaking on his Round the World trip in his SR 22, Ross Rollibard’s “Refurbish This”, Dave Featherstone’s update on ADB-S Out, Etc., Etc. Etc.
From the Website:
The Migration tradeshow will run from 10:00 a.m., Friday, October 12th through 5:00 p.m., 8:30 a.m Saturday, October 13th to 4:00 p.m. in the Grand Ball Room of the Green Valley Ranch Resort. This is a great opportunity to learn about new products and discuss your aircraft systems directly with representatives of the manufacturers. It’s not uncommon for manufacturers to have “show specials.” So, whether you are looking to upgrade some equipment, wishing for the latest electronic goodie, or shopping for aircraft insurance, here’s an opportunity to see your favorite vendors all in one place.
A Continental Breakfast is provided Saturday morning and lunch is provided Friday and Saturday, all in the Tradeshow in the Grand Ball Room. In addition we provide coffee, soda, water and, each afternoon, Cookies and Brownies in the Tradeshow.
We also offer concierge services and snacks in the COPA VIP Room for a place to rest and grab a quick snack or to plan a night out. The COPA VIP Room is open Thursday - Saturday;
For those that desire a break from the COPA immersion we are also offering a social program with a behind the scenes tour at the Bellagio. From the Website:
Migration closes Saturday evening with a formal banquet where we typically honor a deserving COPAN followed by this year’s keynoter speaker, Brian Udell. From the Website:
Our annual gala banquet dinner and cocktail reception will be held at the Green Valley Ranch, where we will be treated to the delicacies of some of the chefs at GVR – their fine dining restaurants are widely reputed as some of the best. And, you won’t want to miss our special guest speaker, Brian Udell, who holds the record for surviving the highest speed ejection from a U.S. Fighter Aircraft at nearly 800 mph. He survived four grueling hours 65 miles off the Atlantic Coast.
I’ve left off information about the Fly-In/ Fly Out procedures since you’re from Las Vegas. But many of us find that getting to stretch our Cirri’s legs on a long cross-country to be one of the more rewarding aspects of Migration!
As to Registration Options, below are Screen Shots from the Website, which are pretty explanatory:
The resolution is much better on the Website! Other than the One Day, Two Day, or Three Day Options, we don’t offer Tradeshow or Session only options.
So Register Early and Register Often! Prices go up after August 27th and we have limited rooms at our discounted rate- Once they are gone they are cone!
To Register simply go to:
And Click one of the many "Register " buttons.
I hope the above answers your questions and that we see you and Migration 16!
Bill Myers
COPA Migration 16 Chair
Member, COPA Board of Directors