anyone know if MS flight sim has either Cirrus yet?
looking for best way to familiarize myself with glass panels/garmins on the PC
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anyone know if MS flight sim has either Cirrus yet?
I recently got permission from the programmer to make public a flight sim project being worked on in Germany. I have not been told when it will be available, but will post when he tells me and allows me to pass it on. (I really do not know yet!)
While searching for a MSFS-2004 sim of the SR-22 several months ago, I came across this programmers site and we started communicating via e-mail. He requested several high-res digital photos to help with his project. In return he recently surprised me with some renderings of my livery.
On 12/4, he again surprised me by posting a video of their work in progress. It can be viewed here.
It is a 16MB file, so you pretty much need broadband or a lot of patiences.
I am very excited by this and other sim projects discussed on our board. It looks like we will be flying in virtual reality in the not too distant future.
PS: I already suggested he not show the SR-22 sitting on its tail after a CAPS deployment.
1-119392-FS8164X.bmp (1.35 MB)
The model by Gunther and friends will be a freeware model. He hasn’t let us know yet when it will be ready:-)
Our Eaglesoft Development Group model will be a commercial offering with price and release yet to be determined:-)
More info on the Eaglesoft model may be found here
Note: Registration and login required in our forum in order to see the SR20 and SR22 forums:-)
If you become a COPA member there is a PFD version of the SR22 panel and flight model you can download on the members site.
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If you become a COPA member there is a PFD version of the SR22 panel and flight model you can download on the members site.
Thanks Jim, will join soon:-)