Join the Cirrus Owners & Pilots Association!
Non-members have access to only a small part of the useful information on the COPA website.
If you are thinking about a Cirrus aircraft, the time to join is before you buy a Cirrus, not after. A wealth of information awaits you immediately upon your paid registration of only $65 per year.
Unregistered Guests may access limited portions of the site. Forums available for reading without registering include “Guest Discussion” and “Marketplace” only. Posting is not allowed.
Registered Guests (free) may additionally post messages in the “Guest Discussion” and reply to posts in “Marketplace” forums.
Members have full access to all website areas and may read and write in all Member forums, and receive Cirrus Pilot magazine and other benefits.
To learn more about membership benefits and services and to access site previews, please visit the Home page. To see membership types and fees, click “Create Account".