Should you become a COPA member?

I’m sure there are quite a few of you out there that are considering whether or not to become a COPA member, it’s just $50 and they promise a wealth of information on their private portion for people interested in the Cirrus line of aircraft. Is it worth the $50 you may ask? Before you plop down the jing consider reading the thread in the Marketplace Forum, a free forum, and look at the one posted by a Radek Wyrzykowski, a CFII, who is trying to promote his services to other COPA members or anyone interested in the Cirrus airplane. He is not a member of COPA, but there is no requirement to be one to post on that forum. (I have been to his website and its got some interesting stuff on it. It does not redirect you to any other site or have any pop-ups that annoy, check it out the address is:
For some reason some of the COPA members feel compelled to make personal attacks on this person’s character and other personal things about his past. Is this a good example of how you might expect to be treated if post something other COPA members deem unworthy of consideration? Do you want to associate with people that behave like that? Or the the administrator/moderator who allows its’ members to trash talk others. This is an injustice! It’s offensive, rude, childish and anti-social! Anyone with a half a stick of morals can see this person was treated with disrepect and is owed an apology. That being said, you will notice that I tried to point this out to others who would turn on me and begin a personal assault without any thought or remorse. It’s on the order of a lynch mob mentality, one person gets the others stirred up and they lose all moral and righteous thoughts and hang the guy from the short-hairs. If you think I’m wrong, wait to you see what ‘they’ do to me after they read this post. My personal opinions given will end with personal attacks about my intelligence, background or whether or not I have a life for taking the time to write this. I don’t even think many of them are aware of the differences in giving an opinion vs. attacking another’s personal character.

I have been a member of this forum for a year. I joined prior to buying my airplane and the knowledge I have gained from being a member as been invaluable. I just renewed my membership this month and would not hesitate to encourage others to join as well. All the members I have communicated with have been very cordial, knowledgeable and helpful. In the year I have been a member, I have never seen any of the negative posts you talk about, outside of the one you refer too. If anyone wants to contact me privately to ask questions what it is like to be a new member, feel free. My contact information is readily available.

Post deleted by dennish

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Is it worth the $50 you may ask? Before you plop down the jing consider reading the thread in the Marketplace Forum, . . .

Unfortunately, this would provide no evidence of the value of COPA membership provided on the Members Forum or of the other programs that COPA offers on pilot proficiency, critical decision making or the several informative social opportunities.

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If you think I’m wrong, wait to you see what ‘they’ do to me after they read this post. My personal opinions given will end with personal attacks about my intelligence, background or whether or not I have a life for taking the time to write this. I don’t even think many of them are aware of the differences in giving an opinion vs. attacking another’s personal character.

Sadly, when I reviewed the thread, I came to the conclusion that this poster, anonymouse, shifted the discussion to personal attacks by introducing some old unresolved issues: “The tone, the accusations, the defensiveness in your reply. I was once a COPA member, decided that I could spend $50 in a more productive manner and have chosen not to reveal my name (my option isn’t it?) I think the anger you people express here when someone else’s opinion differs from yours is the reason I will not pay to read the members forum posts.”

Back to the the value of your $50 and membership in COPA . . . we are owners and pilots of Cirrus airplanes who participate in an Internet-based community and promote safe flying. As in all communities, there exist a diverse set of personalities and behaviors. COPA struggles with inappropriate behaviors in the community and segregating the Public and Members forums was one approach. Censorship is often ruled out of order when it is presented as a simple solution because it fails to deal with the problem. More information is used as the way to enlighten the discussion.

Just so in this instance. The poster, anonymouse, has claimed a bad experience. And he is advocating prospective COPA members check out the negative side. Let me point out that we all benefit from this effort – if you fully examine the record and see his own negative contributions.


The simple fact that a site sponsored (paid for) by members that allows those of your type to continue to create conflict and poison the waters is remarkable.
You have me appreciate having paid my dues for the third year.

What has been your positive contribution to this group?


Absolutely, you should become a member. Anyone considering purchasing a $400k plane/house/car/villa/whatever would be wise to thoroughly investigate the item they are interested in. I joined COPA in the early stages of my purchase decision and learned a wealth of information. This aided in my final purchase decision, aided in my ability to maximize my learning during the transition training, and continues to aid in my operation and care of my plane. There is simply no other resource available from Cirrus or from a SC or a single individual instructor which can match the depth of collective knowledge distilled from the fine individuals who participate in this site. Having such a strong owner support base is very reassuring when deciding to invest in owning a “new” technology plane. Questions you ask such as this are discussed extensively on the member side of the site.

Unfortunately your attitude towards these fine individuals has been anything but professional. If you are unable to see that, I truly feel sorry for you.

There is a tremendous amount you can learn from the members discussions on this site, but sadly we cannot teach you how to earn the respect and friendship of others.


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I’m sure there are quite a few of you out there that are considering whether or not to become a COPA member, it’s just $50 and they promise a wealth of information on their private portion for people interested in the Cirrus line of aircraft. Is it worth the $50 you may ask?

I have read with some trepidation, some interest and some humor the aforementioned discourse involving Raydek, anonymouse, et. al. In light of the probability that there is enough education in the respondent group to allocate a high school eduction to an entire third world subcontinent, I am amused that the dialogue would degrade to essentially what I perceive as an elementary school level discussion. And now we have a poison pen post to steer away the COPA “undecided’s”. I suppose this reminds us all that it REALLY is a U.S. election year…

The whole line of discussion reminds me of my kids: “he’s touching me, tell him to stop touching me…”. At the risk of ruining everyone’s fun, I ask can we put this all to rest and move on to something more productive? Like Cirrus Aircraft and aviation in general?

FWIW, I just renewed my membership and couldn’t be more pleased with the organization and the benefits. It is the best $50.00 I have ever spent on flying. I am a safer and better pilot because of COPA.


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…Do you want to associate with people that behave like that? Or the the administrator/moderator who allows its’ members to trash talk others. This is an injustice! It’s offensive, rude, childish and anti-social! …My personal opinions given will end with personal attacks about my intelligence, background or whether or not I have a life for taking the time to write this. I don’t even think many of them are aware of the differences in giving an opinion vs. attacking another’s personal character.

Hi Dr. anonymouse!
I agree with you! I would not want to associate with anyone who behaved like you are describing above. It is offensive and rude!
I’m appalled, I’m outraged! A Royal Commision should be struck here in Canada in addition to the Senate Inquiry I’m sure is already being organized. In fact, I found the following in the thread you referrred to:
“Let me just say a couple of things in response to the last few threads of this post…first of all, I have said this 14 thousand times to you thick skulled morons, I AM NOT RADEK!, secondly I notice you guys are a bunch of childish babies who have to berate anyone whose opinions differs from the general consensus of your group mentality”

You’re absolutely right sir. THAT guy should NOT be part of our club! His $50 is better spent with a medical professional to resolve his societal behaviour disorders.

Isn’t there a way to OUT this guy from checking the “source” of his posts or tracing something in the code that is in his posts. I’m no computer tech, but I’m tired of crackpots like this polluting our fine forum. Not once has this character contributed in a constructive way to our interesting discussions that have broadened my, and I’m sure many member’s knowledge in all things aviation, and without doubt, I’ve become MUCH more Cirrus-savvy by being a happy memebr of COPA. I’m well into my second year and it’s the best $100 I’ve spent besides my date with Kimberly, but that’s another story.[;)]

And this Anonymouse has now reached a new low in the history of COPA. As evidenced by saying this:

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For some reason some of the COPA members feel compelled to make personal attacks on this person’s character and other personal things about his past. Is this a good example of how you might expect to be treated if post something other COPA members deem unworthy of consideration? Do you want to associate with people that behave like that?

And then then posting a beyond-the-pale reply to Robert from Canada under the title “Irony”. He’s obviously defeated his own argument and should realize that his words carry no weight whatsoever.

This guy’s a troll. Like ART, let’s not feed his poisonous appetite.

And whatever Radek has been trying to do, it’s been completely besmirched by this guy. So if I was Radek, I’d be pissed.


No offense Mr. Mouse but you are a loser. I review the COPA threads not because I am an owner but because some of the topics interest me as a pilot. Quit your whining and find something else to do. You made your point, now move on. If you don’t like the site (or people who read the posts) go to another one. That’s why the internet is so popular! There are so many other places to go.
You can reply to my post but I will not drop to your level and reply to you. Just tired of the wasted space on the server! I shed a tear for you because you must be lost in life. If you are not Radek, it would suprise me. There are places for your type…children’s world, romper room, etc. Why not enroll, you might learn something about adulthood.

u need a serious kick in the nut [;)]

If the COPA annual membership were $500, I would renew without blinking in order to learn from and share information with this amazing group of people who passionately support aviation safety and knowledge. Above this are the COPA directors and volunteers who contribute selflessly. I don’t often think about it, but let’s appreciate how lucky we are.

And then there is always one guy stomping his feet in the corner who insists on disrupting class, and drags everyone down in the process. Who didn’t get a hug…

I vote we ignore his drivel and bait, and let’s get back to talking about flying.

For those that don’t already know, Anonymouse is Radek. If not, he is related in some way. Anonymouse username was created minutes after Radek got chastised for his spam like marketing methods on our marketplace forum, to support Radek. Then for days Anonymouse has been defending Radek and trying to elect him president.


You couldn’t have helped my cause more. Thank you counselor!

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Then for days Anonymouse has been defending Radek and trying to elect him president.

That’s it. I now know. I read the DeVinci Code
Did you notice that Radek containes 4 of the 5 same letters that are contained in the name of Nader? He is not too popular either.

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For those that don’t already know, Anonymouse is Radek. If not, he is related in some way. Anonymouse username was created minutes after Radek got chastised for his spam like marketing methods on our marketplace forum, to support Radek. Then for days Anonymouse has been defending Radek and trying to elect him president.


Thank you for the kind words about who you think I am. I can tell you have been keeping up with what I have written especially the denial of me being Radek.
P.S. I think your comments represent the exact issue I am making.
P.P.S. How is Radeks post Spam? He’s just advertising his website.

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Thank you for the kind words about who you think I am…

I see your ploy to goad me into meaningless wasteful banter with you and I up you a “you’re welcome”.

That’s all the rise you get out of me.


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…meaningless wasteful banter …

And you have important, relevant banter?
If I join COPA would I suddenly have important, meaningful things to say? Like you?

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If I join COPA would I suddenly have important, meaningful things to say? …

Thats the funniest post you’ve had yet.

Guys let’s just ignor this troll and talk about airplane stuff. The more we respond to this person the more he gets off.