Hi, just doing a project on the cirrus sr22 and sr20. Was wondering if anyone could spare me the time to tell me the taper ratio for any of them. Or inner and outer chord lenghs. Could not find this information anywhere else! many thanks.
I didn’t measure on the airplane, but if the diagram in Chapter 1 of the POH is to scale, the root of the wing, not counting the flare of the fairing to the fuselage, measures 5.0 ft. and the tip, not counting the upward flare of the wing tip, is 2.7 ft.
I did not measure the cord length on the airplane but if the dimensions shown in Chapter 1 of the POH are accurate, the cord at the wing root, not counting the flare of the fairing to the fuselage, is 5.0 ft. and the cord at the wing tip not counting the upward flare of the wing tip is 2.7 ft.
Thanks a lot. It seems the right ratio.