updates for sandel

I noticed my sfotware on sandel is old. About 15 months. what will I gain by updaiting. I do not have any problems with it at all. Altough I know I am not usingit to it full capibility. Is the updates hard to do and can it be done by av shop Thanks from Don

My own policy on these upgrades is that if it isn’t broken don’t fix it.

There is a potential for something to stop working (e.g. the autopilot) if settings
change in the Sandel when you upgrade, several people have reported the
Sandel settings causing problems in the past.

I’m referring to the operating software version, not the map database.


Don I am assuming you want to update the data portion of the sandel. We updated the data base one time when the sandel was out. It is not cheap, we paid $171.00. In my opinion you gain nothing in the update…Ed


The operating software for the Sandel is now at v2.10. You can get a complete history of the enhancements of each upgrade at http://www.sandel.com/sandel/support/sn3308/software/sn3308_downloads_history.htm .

Also worth mentioning, is that you can upload the database yourself, but to change the software requires an authorized repair facility (IIRC).

In version 2.10 you do get a significant improvement in the operation of the Sandel during a backcourse approach. And so far, I have not had any problems with this version.