Sun 'n Fun: Lakeland, FL April 8-14

See the Sun 'n Fun website at for more info on the upcoming event in Lakeland (LAL). I hope to see a lot of Cirri, their owners, and position holders gathering at the Cirrus display. For those of you who want to go, but want to avoid the crowded runways, try neighboring Vandenberg Airport (VDF) in Tampa, my home airport, especially if you can’t show off your Cirrus yet. Leading Edge Aviation is the FBO (see It’s about a 30 minute drive from VDF to LAL. VDF now has two runways, a new terminal, AWOS, rental cars, maintenance and avionics shops, GPS approaches and more. VDF may show up as X16 on your old GPS database. As an added bonus, MacDill AFB in Tampa is having its air show on April 8-9. The Blue Angels will be here each day. Hope to see you there.

As an added bonus, MacDill AFB in Tampa is having its air show on April 8-9. The Blue Angels will be here each day. Hope to see you there.

Are these dates correct? Why would the Blue Angels schedule a show on Sunday and Monday? (Sunday I can see, but Monday?)

Thanks for the info though, I’ll be there


Sun 'n Fun starts on April 7. MacDill AFB show with the Blue Angels is April 7-8.