SR20 Market & Price Guides

Hello, student pilot here in the market for an early sr20. Been doing quite a bit of research over the past few weeks and had a couple questions. AvBuyer price guide shows average retail for 2000, 01, 02, 03 at $85k, 95, 105, 115 respectively. Are there ever any planes on the market around those figures? Let alone in “average” condition with engines at half time. Do other guides show much different figures? I was reading Lone Mountains cirrus market reports and my take away was that 2018 and early 2019 were hot seller’s markets but that has since cooled off and in fact there is a record inventory on the market now so could be a good time to buy.

Thanks for your insight and help, I am very close to closing a deal on one and look forward to joining COPA!


Congratulations on your ppl. I will be starting my PPL in next few months and can say without hesitation that while not a pilot or cirrus owner the annual membership over last 1.5 years has allowed me to read tens of thousands of threads on safety, maintenance, and pricing of used aircraft along with many many other topics of interest.

If a guy without a plane and license finds value in annual membership, you certainly will.

I look forward to you joining.