Hi Guys,
New to the website having been a floating member for several months…
I’m currently in the (fantastic!) position of considering a share in an SR-20 based in the North of the UK.
The share is 1 of 8. However, I find myself questioning how the current owner of the share assertains its value. Naturally he wants to get the most for his share however does anyone know how I can be sure Im getting the share at a reasonalbe rate?
The aircraft is an N-reg SR20 G2-GTS which was originally based in the US from new since 2007 but is now in the UK with a couple of shares going.
Im beginning to think that there is no hard and fast method of estimating its value - just try to compare to other aircraft avialable?
On another matter, am I correct in assuming the running costs of an SR22 v SR20 would be dramatically higher?
In my head I’ve ruled out a SR22 completly due to bigger engine means bigger fuel costs and running costs?
I’ve studied some of the trip reports over on cirrisreports and see that the SR22 produces on average 14gph v SR20 @ 9gph
I’m sick of flying/hireing 30 year old PA28s, however with a share capital investment in a Cirrus I can afford the similar (to a PA28) wet costs associated with a group Cirrus SR20.
Thanks for any help!