REGISTRATION IS OPEN-COPA’s 15th Annual North American Migration, September 14-17, 2017, Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville, TN

I registered this morning at the call center 1-615-889-1000. I was asked for my arrival date and the reservations person easily found us among the twelve conventions going on that week.

As a side note, he was very interested in Cirrus aircraft and had lots of questions about the Vision Jet.[ap]

I couldn’t find any mention on the Migration 15 sites that stated who this year’s sponsors are. Who is sponsoring?

Well then. You are apparently not looking in the right place where you will find all of the latest news fit to print.

I saw nothing on that FaceBook discussion page your link point to mentioning sponsors. Nada. Zip.

Nor is there any mention of sponsors on this linked event page:

When I press “Learn more” I get this:

Nothing to learn there.

The sponsorships are apparently well-hidden.

Let’s just say it’s been a little quiet on the Sponsorship front so far this year. We are excited that a new sponsor, TBM, is leading the charge and will get top billing unless others step up. Cirrus and One Aviation have declined sponsorship opportunities. We are still waiting to hear back from our other potential sponsors but they have all been focused on OshKosh. It should pick up in the next few weeks.

Does “sponsorships equal Exhibitors”?

If so, every day or so we post 2 Exhibitors, and an event or two on the Facebook page, where the news breaks and none of it is FAKE NEWS.

Today, we featured Avidyne, and PS Engineering who have both sponsored exhibits.

That’s unfortunate. I’ve always enjoyed spending time with the Cirrus reps and getting some inside info. Oh well, it tis what it tis. I guess I will be buying some TBM shirts this year![:P]


Sponsorship does not equal exhibiting. I believe that Cirrus will be an exhibitor, but they have apparently chosen to further scale back any direct or “in kind” sponsorship for COPA Migration. So, you can still buy your Cirrus shirt! (CA has been modest in its sponsorship levels for Migration for many, many years. It’s their money, and they apparently feel they would rather spend larger sums elsewhere rather than at the Type Club annual event. So be it.)

But I’m looking forward to experiencing the COPA event on Friday night, for damn sure. I know with Bill and crew at the helm, it’s going to be fun, and for me, fun is what it’s all about!!

See you there,


Tony, as Andy has said there is a difference between Exhibitors and Sponsors and Cirrus will have a very large area on the Tradeshow floor as an Exhibitor and from the space they’ve taken I believe they will have the ever popular Cirrus store. In addition, Dale Klapmeier, Gary Black and Paul Johnson are slated to provide a Historical Caps Presentation to our assembled group following the Annual meeting, so Cirrus will have a presence at Migration.

Andy and Bill,

Sorry I caused a ruckus, I was just screwing around. I take it back.

Is there a designated FBO st Smyrna?

Hollingshead Aviation is the FBO that is handling arrivals. 122.95

Cited to fly into Nashville international Kate BNA and I was heading to signature when ground control said that Khoe has a special deal with Atlantic I found out however the special deal is still more expensive then signature! Overnight fees are higher and fuel fees are the same ! And Atlantic has a higher minimum fuel requirement I don’t know who did the negotiating for COPA but they need to take lessons

I find it highly ironic that this is your tag line:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt”

For the record there are several volunteers who have worked hundreds of hours to put on Migration and in fact we negotiated very hard to even get Atlantic to accept our planes. You have NO IDEA how much work went into getting a group our size the ability to park at Atlantic.

So if you can do a better job volunteer next year and be the man actually in the arena, instead of criticizing the volunteers who actually do the work. “It’s not the critic who counts”

Let me see if I have the straight , a member finds out that something offered as a discount to all the other members is in fact not a discount. And rather than being thanked for letting the others know about this irregularity and that this was an error, he gets criticized for bringing it up because he was not one of the hard-working volunteers Who made the error in the first place. Wow !


I am sure that Bill is besieged and beset with a million issues as Migration gets underway.

A little backstory is worth mentioning here. I brought up to Bill that some (including me) would not want to park at Smyrna. Brady Bennett negotiated hard with Signature and Atlantic as well as the folks at Smyrna.

Signature flat out refused to deal with us at all. Did not want us on their ramp and had a big construction project planned. Atlantic offered to help by bringing in outside staff from other airports to handle the traffic that would have to be parked on the taxiway. This involved a lot of effort and planning between ATC, The airport Authority and Atlantic. They determined that they needed to charge what they were charging to make it work for them.

So, it is a bit of a surprise that Signature supported your arrival. There is no doubt that they could not support the entire contingent. They may be able to take a few planes and that’s their prerogative but they are giving Bill and Brady a great big slap in the face by undermining the hard volunteer work that they did so that you and I could enjoy migration.

So, it’s not personal and not really aimed at you. We are all free to fly wherever we are welcomed.

The Migration team is just being hurt at the time when they are the busiest by an FBO that is going Rogue and not abiding by their word. Great that you saved a few bucks. But please don’t think that anyone is taking advantage of you. To the contrary, after months of work by Bill, Brady and the Migration team, this development just goes to show that no good deed ever goes unpunished.

May I suggest we put this behind us, grab a drink at the COPAcobana party and move on.

Thanks for your hard work Bill.


Trip, thank you for the explanation. And Adam, I certainly didn’t mean to shoot the messenger. What I took offense to was your statement: " I don’t know who did the negotiating for COPA but they need to take lessons. " That felt and feels very derogatory and condescending, but perhaps it wasn’t meant to be and I simply am taking it wrong.