There is a difference in owning and flying a plane 
owning a plane isnt that much; flying the plane you own will cost you 
Since i own it for personal use. I dont have a separate fund where i charge myself a fee for flying the plane, IE i dont put extra money away for OH, life limited parts etc. When something comes up i just pay for it like if my car needed new tires.
That being said. Because i dont charge my self reserves for the chute, OH etc. The actual cost to fly it is just gas, which for my TN is a average of 14.5gph; which right now just costs me out of pocket about $60/hr.
Then there are the non-flying related stuff; Nav subs $450/yr, Insurance $3200/yr, Tie down $30/m, Annual, $4000-$5500/yr, Property Taxes $2200; All of these come up once a year and just pay it when i know its coming.
The regular maintenance is $300/40hrs for a oil change (i like the mechanics doing it because they will open the cowl and look things over while its draining) and the random Qt of oil which is like $8 a qt when bought in a case.
I rented for my PPL and that cost me a small fortune. It was about 82hrs to get my PPL (long story); and the plane was rented out at a average of $210/hr wet.
When i did my IR i owned my plane, so I just had the CFI and the gas to pay for (and a oil change here and there); Because the CFI i used was new and really didnt have a great lesson plan (we basically flew all over northern cali) it too took about 80hrs. So $4800 in gas vs $18k in rental fees. I can tell you, as a blue-ish collar worker, it felt a lot less painful doing the IR than the PPL. With the PPL i felt like every week i was paying for another 10hr block at $2100;
I also find that doing IR in your own plane is greatly helpful. So if you are going to get a plane anyway, you might as well get it while training.
IF you are thinking you are going to buy a plane, use it for a few months while training then sell it; I strongly discourage this, selling a plane is like selling a house; you need the right person, with the right amount of money who will offer you the right amount; otherwise it just sits.