As usual, Roger nails the essence of the issue. Viewed solely through the lens of cost, it’s less expensive to rent than own until you’re flying at least 150-200 hr annually. Of course, this depends on each individual airframe and how much of a maintenance hog it is.
If you can expense part of the ownership and flying costs to a business, that can change the calculus significantly.
Ownership is a lifestyle decision as others have pointed out. The plane is yours, it’s available whenever you want to fly, you know how it’s been treated, and the avionics are configured/set up exactly the way you want. You can keep it looking sharp, as opposed to many bug-encrusted rentals with french fries ground into the carpets. Only you can quantify a personal value for that.
Of course, maintenance and unexpected things-to-fix can be a pain. Finding maintenance that I could trust was THE most frustrating part of ownership for me. If you buy used, make sure that the maintenance logs show a largely trouble-free plane with no recurring issues. You may have to look at many candidates to find one like this.
I rented for ~1200 hr and owned for ~1400 hr (not a Cirrus), the latter ranging from 130-230 annual flight hours. I enjoyed all of it but by far the most enjoyment came from owning. “Pride of ownership” was strong with me. YMMV of course.
I finally found a local MD who will do BasicMed exams/signoffs. Assuming I meet his standards, I will once again be medically qualified to fly. However I’m not sure about the renting thing, except for going through BFR and IPC. If I resume flying it will be because I can afford to fly as much as I want, whenever I want, and where I want, including longer trips. At my age, I likely only have 8-10 years of even BasicMed-quality health remaining.
My own plan to support this financially will be to set aside a fixed amount of money, use 1/4 to 1/3 of it to purchase a plane, then fly until the rest is gone.