Well folks, I just arrived home from Duluth in a new SR22. What an awesome machine! The experience in Duluth was wonderful and the folks at Cirrus were wonderful. We got off to a bumpy start with a little “gremlin” that Bob Smoke mentioned in a previous post. The “gremlin” turned out to be the antenna diplexer which splits the antenna connection for the appropriate frequency for the appropriate use (i.e. nav/com). The autopilot had to be replaced too. Both items were not Cirrus manufacturered components. We finally commenced flight training on Thursday. The weather had been horrible and the gales of November were certainly earning their name. Winds every day were 20 to 30 knots. One great thing is that this aircraft performed wonderfully in spite of these high winds.
Our flight home on Saturday from DLH to Allentown, PA was uneventful. ATC was great, although we were vectored around some nuclear power plants near Sandusky. One of the controllers out of Green Bay decided to have a 10 minute conversation with us through his airspace. He had lots of questions about our beautiful aircraft and we certainly provided him with a quick education.
Indicated speeds were consistantly 180 knots or there abouts. Ground speeds were 220 knots from DLH to TOL and then reduced to 196 to 206 knots to Allentown, PA. The whole trip was flown at 7,500 feet with one fuel stop in Green Bay, WI. We landed with about 25 gallons of fuel remaining.
The experience of going to Duluth was very much worth it. The folks up there had that Disney attitude of customer service where they refuse to allow a customer to have a bad experience with them. It started from the time we entered the door at Cirrus, when we were greeted by Lisa Bath. Barbara Whitney was wonderful. There is a tremendous amount of activity up there as they manage their growing pains. The training program is great and no one should be concerned about the Wings Aloft situation. The instructors, all of them seemed to be very good. Even our guy, Thom Leveque, with Cirrus only two weeks and we were his first students, performed very well. They are definitely concerned about the training and education you receive due to the incidents in the past.
One great airplane!