New airspace restrictions for NYC, DC

Marty, I don’t get it (the picture). It shows GWB carrying…a book! A whole book. I have a close friend in the Pentagon, and It’s a fact that any written information delivered to the president is to be one typed page…including the memo header. And no cheating with small fonts, either! :wink:

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always been taboo to make fun of the, uh, intellectually challenged

You must not have a high opinion of Yale graduates. Does this include yourself? [;)]

Ronald Reagan ran the office the same way. Nothing more than a typed page regardless of the subject. This was in stark contrast to the Souths own Jimmy Carter who was so focused on details that he even had a daily report on who scheduled the tennis courts… which he would frequently re-arrange.

From my perspective I am not sure this one page management thing is ineffective though. Lot’s to deal with being the pres an all. And the Dummies series of books can be pretty good too! :wink:


Please note that this hppened a year and 3 days ago… (and has been extensively discussed both here and on the members forum…)


This event is dated 3/16/2002. It has been extensively discussed over the last year.

that accident report was fresh on the FAA site today. Some computer glitch, I guess


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You must not have a high opinion of Yale graduates. Does this include yourself?

I have a high opinion of some Yale graduates. I am not a Yale graduate. My only time there was as a post-doc and then as a soft-money faculty member for a few years.

I think that Yale does have a problem. More than most schools they seem to use a legacy system for admissions (letting in weak applicants who are the children of graduates). Further they have so-called secret societies for undergrads (think young-boys clubs) designed to build power relationships with the rich and powerful.

That aside, I’m a political independent who finds the shrub an embarrassment. Further, the shrub and Ashcroft axis and their interpretation of our constitution (re individual liberties) is frightening. (Can you say to hell with due process?)

And since you’ve pushed my political button - I find the Republicans all too often use the BIG LIE (e.g. Regan was the greatest president ever; or it is unpatriotic to disagree, etc.). Democrats all too often try to buy the votes of the large underclass with federal funds. At the moment the Republican party is somewhat more on my s*#t list. No wonder that I don’t find a home in either party…

Anyway, I try to treat bad situations with humor (keeps my blood pressure within acceptable limits).

Cheers (and hang on tight to your individual liberties under the so-called less government is better Republicans),

You must not have a high opinion of Yale graduates. Does this include yourself?

Nope. And I would never impugn the reputation of a fine school like Yale. However, I judge individuals by their performance, rather than their degree. Perhaps this is a prejudice of mine due to the fact that I escaped from an institute (of higher education) without a diploma. Wish I had one, may go get one someday, but so far it hasn’t impaired my ability to buy and fly cool airplanes [:)].


Come on now… they are just trying to get your goat. I’m a Bush fan but I can appreciate the humor… expecially the “Presedency for Dummies” picture… what a classic. We Republicans had our fun with Bill, Hillary and Al Bore so turnabout is only fair.

Besides, like the French (well, Chirac and the vocal minority), these guys will be eating crow when this war is done and we all go to Disney to celebrate.

Good stuff! I’m personally glad to see those with a liberal bias flying airplanes and owning Cirrus planes. Not just a bunch of white fat old republican capitalists in these ranks after all.


There is nothing better than having a wife that LIKES to fly with you! Mine even has a license but probably can’t get insurance next year.

Let’s add some humor to the fire: