N145CD revisited

Had a nice visit and chat yesterday with Tom Bergeron. WX was too windy to fly, but it was great to see a plane. N145CD is an “A” configuration with 2-blade prop, leather seats, and STEC30 autopilot. It was just out of its 100-hr inspection at a Cirrus service center in Stockton.

FYI Tom indicated that right now there are only 2 SR20s in the demo fleet and they are operating constantly for current and prospective customers.

He also indicated that CD has dedicated one plane to “long-term durability testing,” and it is flying 50 hr/week in this program. I allowed as how if the test pilots get a bit tired out, I would be more than happy to lend a hand to keep it going–just trying to do my part, you understand. :slight_smile:

Thanks to CD for Tom’s taking the time to come back to PAO.