Migration Dress Code

Thank you for your candor. As much as some people would want to come to a banquet in beach attire, the majority of other attendees really want our Saturday gala to be a bit more polished. We have two very significant awards to present and those recipients (and their families who traveled to support them) deserve a touch of class.

Other than Saturday’s banquet, there are absolutely no hard restrictions on attire during Migration. So, for everything else, feel free to hang loose.


I can’t ever recall us not letting someone in so no worries there! I don’t even own a jacket right now…I guess maybe I could go rent a tux! :rofl: :man_in_tuxedo:


If any of you enjoy making your wife laugh, just share this 23 post thread about the outfits you will be wearing Saturday night.


At least we are not talking about coordinating outfits. LOL


That kind of “cultural diversity” has been going on for many decades. Fun story: Most of the years I spent flying in the Navy were spent based on the West Coast. Once upon a time, in the late 1980’s, there was a big event in Key West celebrating the life and career of the legendary Ed Heinemann. Culminating the 3-day affair was a huge banquet, with Ed in attendance. Dress was listed as “casual.”

As folks who flew one of his designs, our squadron sent quite a number of us to attend. Come the night of the banquet, we arrived, all in our very nicest aloha shirts and most of us were even wearing socks! We quickly realized “they” meant “East Coast Business Casual”, i.e. business suits and not formal wear! They gave us the stink-eye. We gave them the…never mind what we did. We grabbed the two banquet tables closest to the Dias not already reserved by the bigwigs and had a great time! Which Airedale’s have been know to do. FTITCTAJ. :sunglasses:

Party on!

Warm regards,


You shoulda seen how many sets of footwear I was packing.

My wife and I did that today and yesterday, but not on purpose.

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Has anybody said it’s freaking hot here? Even in the shade. Gordon is gonna love it!

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Hah! Fun story, thanks for sharing! :wink:

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Funny, I was remarking to the nice Ross employee who gave me a lift from my plane over to the FBO building that it was fully 20° cooler than when I was in Las Vegas for July 4. :sweat_smile:


Can’t wait to see Gordon in a wrap :sweat_smile:


I cant believe i opened this thread Where is the toilet?

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Well, technically I asked the question first in the other thread.

I smell a cigar, but it ain’t me. I might have to do my cigar roundtable tomorrow. It’s too dark. I don’t even know who’s who.

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Where’s Carl?

I did, but the downside is that hotels in hot climes overdo the AC and it was FREEZING in the meeting rooms (especially Friday). So I end up wearing a sweater even though it’s 100 outside. :cold_face:

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In my opinion it is absolutely impossible to overdo the air conditioning.


Yeah, that played havoc with me too. Even being from Seattle, I was freezing my diddlers off on Friday while wearing shorts, sandals, and a T-shirt, so then on Saturday morning I wore pants and shoes and then I get to the meeting rooms and the heat is turned on! They must have cranked it after seeing Gordon in an arctic parka.

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Long sleeve shirt and pants are your problem Jerry. : )

No, They’re my solution.

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Gordon, I appreciated your tip about bringing a sweater. I made use of mine. I was really cold on Friday before I went up to my room on a break and fetched it. Saturday was definitely better.

I regret that I didn’t get a chance to say hello in person. I left early to beat the weather and you’re one of the folks I hadn’t yet connected with. Next time!

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