M13 Shooting Event - Transportation, Survey and other info


If you plan to participate in the Shooting Event on September 10th during M13, you’ll need to respond to the survey email from me. Thanks to 16 of the 38 of you that have already done so. But, the rest of y’all need to respond ASAP. If you missed the email…look in your deleted or spam folders for an email from me, Tom Hunse.

Due to the outstanding response for this event, we cannot possibly use an ad hoc car pool system for transportation. So, COPA has arranged a motor coach for all. You’ll need to respond to the survey so we can charge the $20 transportation cost to your card on file for M13. If you don’t pay the $20 in advance, you’ll be responsible for your own transportation.

We plan to use the bus time to handle admin details…like range rules etc. which will expedite the process at the range and make the best use of our time. Bus leaves at NOON from the southeast hotel entrance (near the Starbuck’s). And will return you there before 4PM.

There are also some questions on the survey that, when all y’all respond, should make the event even more enjoyable for everyone.

REMINDER…ALL GUNS MUST BE UNLOADED AND IN CASES IN THE HOTEL AND ON THE BUS…let’s not scare the other hotel guests with 40 people roaming the lobby appearing to be armed. It’s Texas and that’s normal, but there may be a few none Texans as guests in the hotel. Please be discreet coming and going with your gear.

You’ll also need eye and ear protection…if you have your own, bring it. There will be plenty of rental gear and guns onsite.

The range is indoors and air conditioned. So dress comfortably.

Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.

Fly Safe,

Tom Hunse

South Central - Lt. Gov.

N545CB - based KADS

972-877-7393 or tom@hunse.net if you have questions.