This afternoon, I was chatting (via email) with another COPA member about possible VFR routes from the midwest, specifically Indianapolis (KIND). And, I thought that I’d toss out one possibly for COPA “group think”. In this particular instance, we were trying to stay out of the O2 altitudes (although it would be a good idea to bring some along) and fly somewhat direct. So, here’s a possibility that could probably be flown at 10.5K’.
Just in case the Mt. Dora North MOA was active, I inserted the Tobe VOR (TBE) into the route. Then, I wound my way through the San Grede Cristo Mountain range by following a road west from the Cimarron VOR (CIM), over Angel Nest Lake, down over Angel Fire, west through the Palo Flechado Pass, west toward Taos Regional and then continuing west. The routing through the Angel Fire area might looks like this:
In case the pilot didn’t have the Grand Canyon VFR Chart handy, I routed them a little south over Valle (40G) and the Peach Springs VOR (PGS). However, for some great scenery, they could fly a little further north instead, overflying the Grand Canyon VOR (GCN) and following the charted BDN route as low as 8.5K’ or 10.5K’. Although that only cuts 6 nm. off the flight, the photography should be even better.
Of course, flying “through” (as opposed to “over”) a mountainous area like Angel Fire, winds aloft needs to be considered. So, I’d probably break this 8.5 hr. flight into two segments and consider overnighting in Raton, NM (KRTN), just east of the mountain range. Their fuel looks relatively inexpensive. And, I’d be able to fly through the Angel Fire area in the early morning when the winds are probably calm.
Of course, there’s nothing particularly “blessed” about this particular course - just one pilot’s idea on how to get to M12 from Indianapolis! [;)]