Left handed pilots

Are any of you lucky Cirrus owners left handed?

I am, and have a concern that if I fly with a side stick (left) I will have troubel writting clearences down when I fly IFR. Any thoughts?

Are any of you lucky Cirrus owners left handed?

I am, and have a concern that if I fly with a side stick (left) I will have troubel writting clearences down when I fly IFR. Any thoughts?


I am a proud Southpaw Cirrus Driver. No problem writing clearances - that’s what the autopilot’s for. The only time I encountered any difficulty at all, it was while I was circling over a field, trying to write down information being read to me on the radio (not by ATC). Even then, it was no big trick to hold the stick with my right hand and write with my left. It would have been much more of a challenge had I not had a kneeboard.


Are any of you lucky Cirrus owners left handed?

I am, and have a concern that if I fly with a side stick (left) I will have troubel writting clearences down when I fly IFR. Any thoughts?

I’m right-handed but still always have the autopilot on when it’s time to copy a clearance in the air. And if the clearance is on the ground, who cares what hand you write with, because you’re steering with your feet!

Are any of you lucky Cirrus owners left handed?

I am, and have a concern that if I fly with a side stick (left) I will have troubel writting clearences down when I fly IFR. Any thoughts?

David, I am not only left handed (bass aackwards)but I am all thumbs! The best thing is the stec 55 but if you do not want to use the a/p you need to trim the plane and it will stay on rails. This is not a Cessna that wonders when you trim and let go, you can trim the plane and use your left hand to drink sodas,clean your ears,kill bugs,or smack the co-pilot…Ed


I just realized why couple of our guys were sandels.

The cross their legs (rt over lt) stick their toes around the control stick and fly the plane while they play cards with both hands. Hey Walt, did I get it right or what?



Are any of you lucky Cirrus owners left handed?

I am, and have a concern that if I fly with a side stick (left) I will have troubel writting clearences down when I fly IFR. Any thoughts?


I am a proud Southpaw Cirrus Driver. No problem writing clearances - that’s what the autopilot’s for. The only time I encountered any difficulty at all, it was while I was circling over a field, trying to write down information being read to me on the radio (not by ATC). Even then, it was no big trick to hold the stick with my right hand and write with my left. It would have been much more of a challenge had I not had a kneeboard.
