I received the following information yesterday afternoon directly from the president of ARNAV, Frank Williams. It is shared here with his approval. My original message to him is attached.
"We are completing the engine add-on package on March 5th. ARNAV has already received STC’s and TSO’s on the equipment, and have scheduled a customer SR20 in our install shop on March 5th-7th. This first installation will allow us to configure a complete pre-fabbed wire harness, and to make sure that the installation kit covers both the SR20 and the SR22.
I am planning a trip to Duluth in mid-March so that ARNAV & Cirrus can work out the details, and expect a joint announcement as to pricing.
As soon as ARNAV & Cirrus firm up the details, I will make sure that the information is posted on the SR20.org site.
Best regards,
Frank Williams
----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Jones
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 11:40 AM
Subject: ICDS 2000 Cirrus application
I’m planning on taking delivery of a Cirrus SR22 this summer and I remain concerned about Arnav’s commitment to the ICDS 2000 product. Specifically, electronic engine monitoring is a significant issue.
At the AOPA convention this past fall, an Arnav representative at your both showed me the components which make up the engine monitoring and
stated that it would be shipping ‘in the very near future’. We’re five months further and still there is no product.
There is a newsgroup (forum) of Cirrus customers at www.sr20.org which has regular postings about various aspects of the aircraft and avionics. I would suggest that someone in your organization follow and or reply to these postings - these are real customers who bought Cirrus partly based on your product – they simply are looking for the product to deliver on stated goals.
Best regards,
Fingers crossed. This is GREAT news.
I have an additional response from ARNAV in the person of John Glaisyer. I had sent him a copy of email from Tom Elsley at BFGoodrich regarding any interface to their Skywatch system. Mr. Elsley indicated that no interface existed between the Skywatch and ARNAV unit. Mr. Glaisyer replied:
“Tom Elsley is correct. The ICDS does not accept ARINC 429. We have software necessary for the Ryan TCAD and will complete the interface on that unit after we finish the Engine monitorine system and WxLink due out during the second quarter of this year. The BFGoodrich WX 500 Stormscope is available now on the ICDS 2000. Please feel free to check in with us anytime”
Hopefully, by the time I get delivery the ARNAV ICDS 2000 will then have Stormscope, Engine monitoring, WxLink and Ryan TCAD displays in addition to the airspace display. I think that changing over to the UPS system is not a viable possibility, and that ARNAV is working on making the ICDS 2000 a capable product.
I received the following information yesterday afternoon directly from the president of ARNAV, Frank Williams. It is shared here with his approval. My original message to him is attached.
"We are completing the engine add-on package on March 5th. ARNAV has already received STC’s and TSO’s on the equipment, and have scheduled a customer SR20 in our install shop on March 5th-7th. This first installation will allow us to configure a complete pre-fabbed wire harness, and to make sure that the installation kit covers both the SR20 and the SR22.
I am planning a trip to Duluth in mid-March so that ARNAV & Cirrus can work out the details, and expect a joint announcement as to pricing.
As soon as ARNAV & Cirrus firm up the details, I will make sure that the information is posted on the SR20.org site.
Best regards,
Frank Williams
----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Jones
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 11:40 AM
Subject: ICDS 2000 Cirrus application
I’m planning on taking delivery of a Cirrus SR22 this summer and I remain concerned about Arnav’s commitment to the ICDS 2000 product. Specifically, electronic engine monitoring is a significant issue.
At the AOPA convention this past fall, an Arnav representative at your both showed me the components which make up the engine monitoring and
stated that it would be shipping ‘in the very near future’. We’re five months further and still there is no product.
There is a newsgroup (forum) of Cirrus customers at www.sr20.org which has regular postings about various aspects of the aircraft and avionics. I would suggest that someone in your organization follow and or reply to these postings - these are real customers who bought Cirrus partly based on your product – they simply are looking for the product to deliver on stated goals.
Best regards,
Progress made. This board works!
I received the following information yesterday afternoon directly from the president of ARNAV, Frank Williams. It is shared here with his approval. My original message to him is attached.
"We are completing the engine add-on package on March 5th. ARNAV has already received STC’s and TSO’s on the equipment, and have scheduled a customer SR20 in our install shop on March 5th-7th. This first installation will allow us to configure a complete pre-fabbed wire harness, and to make sure that the installation kit covers both the SR20 and the SR22.
I am planning a trip to Duluth in mid-March so that ARNAV & Cirrus can work out the details, and expect a joint announcement as to pricing.
As soon as ARNAV & Cirrus firm up the details, I will make sure that the information is posted on the SR20.org site.
Best regards,
Frank Williams
----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Jones
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 11:40 AM
Subject: ICDS 2000 Cirrus application
I’m planning on taking delivery of a Cirrus SR22 this summer and I remain concerned about Arnav’s commitment to the ICDS 2000 product. Specifically, electronic engine monitoring is a significant issue.
At the AOPA convention this past fall, an Arnav representative at your both showed me the components which make up the engine monitoring and
stated that it would be shipping ‘in the very near future’. We’re five months further and still there is no product.
There is a newsgroup (forum) of Cirrus customers at www.sr20.org which has regular postings about various aspects of the aircraft and avionics. I would suggest that someone in your organization follow and or reply to these postings - these are real customers who bought Cirrus partly based on your product – they simply are looking for the product to deliver on stated goals.
Best regards,
I am planning a trip to Duluth in mid-March so that ARNAV & Cirrus can work out the details, and expect a joint announcement as to pricing.
Hold onto your hats when the pricing is released!
Fingers crossed. This is GREAT news.
Maybe they can also do something to their data base that would get the mountains in the right places.
M. Myers
"Tom Elsley is correct. The ICDS does not accept ARINC 429. >>
Note that the Garmin 420 has an ARINC 429 interface.