Garmin 430/530 comparison

AVweb’s Mike Busch has added a paragraph to his review of the Garmin 530, specifically outlining the things we’re missing in the 430 (but didn’t know it). Actually, with 2 of the 430 units in the C configuration, we’re not missing much at all.
The article is otherwise unchanged from last week, so you have to look for the new paragraph. It’s near the end, and is headed Smaller Siblings: Garmin’s 400-Series

The entire report is at Big-Screen IFR: Garmin’s GNS 530.

IMHO, it’s a Must Read, esp. for those who have yet to meet their 430 face to face.


AVweb’s Mike Busch has added a paragraph to his review of the Garmin 530, specifically outlining the things we’re missing in the 430 (but didn’t know it). Actually, with 2 of the 430 units in the C configuration, we’re not missing much at all.

The article is otherwise unchanged from last week, so you have to look for the new paragraph. It’s near the end, and is headed Smaller Siblings: Garmin’s 400-Series

As a VFR pilot who has recently embarked on IFR training I found the AVWEB article to be fabulous. I used the 430 simulator to recreate the flight from SMX to LAX and back and learned more about actual use of the 430 than I have in multiple readings and rereadings of the Garmin manual. Highly recommended.

The entire report is at Big-Screen IFR: Garmin’s GNS 530.

IMHO, it’s a Must Read, esp. for those who have yet to meet their 430 face to face.


He added a new paragraph with photos near the bottom COMPARING the 430 to the 530.

Very informative!

He added a new paragraph with photos near the bottom COMPARING the 430 to the 530.

Very informative!

I have extracted the AVweb article for offline viewing. It’s a ZIP file, about 800K. If you’d like a copy, send me an email.

  • Mike.