Flying virtual approaches....

As someone who loves flying but doesn’t have an airplane (and not current) I found something that isn’t quite as fun as flying but enjoyable none-the-less. And for those of you who are lucky to be current (and /or own a Cirrus) it might be a great tool for you to get a “visual” an airport or area in which you haven’t flown before.

It is a product called Keyhole and basically it is a satellite imaging program that allows you to pull up addresses, points of interest and see the sattellite photos of pretty much anywhere in the world.

Found at , they offer a free 7 day trial download… I have no affiliation with this company other than I think their product is pretty cool!

Pretty cool toy! Of course you can not use this as “official navigation” so DONT!!



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As someone who loves flying but doesn’t have an airplane (and not current) I found something that isn’t quite as fun as flying but enjoyable none-the-less. And for those of you who are lucky to be current (and /or own a Cirrus) it might be a great tool for you to get a “visual” an airport or area in which you haven’t flown before.
It is a product called Keyhole and basically it is a satellite imaging program that allows you to pull up addresses, points of interest and see the sattellite photos of pretty much anywhere in the world.
Found at , they offer a free 7 day trial download… I have no affiliation with this company other than I think their product is pretty cool!
Pretty cool toy! Of course you can not use this as “official navigation” so DONT!!

Thank you for the tip. It is really impressive.