First Cirrus in Hawaii

Aloha! Just got a photo from the factory of my aircraft…N769LB It will be based in Maui, Hawaii and is being ferried over sometime next week.

If any owners are vacationing in Hawaii, look me up and we can fly around the islands. I will send posts of in-flight photos soon! Can’t wait!

Incidentally, UND has a facility on Oahu, and it looks like we will get Oahu UND certified as a Cirrus Training Facility using my aircraft. Recurrency in the middle of winter might be a good idea in Hawaii :wink: I hope we can get it all worked out for UND.

I look forward to meeting y’all in paradise…

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Aloha! Just got a photo from the factory of my aircraft…N769LB It will be based in Maui, Hawaii and is being ferried over sometime next week.

That’s great! You must be stoked.

They usually launch the ferry flights to Hawaii from my home airport - Santa Barbara, as it is the closest point of land (with a suitable airport) to Hawaii. They can take off up to 25% over gross IIRC. Flying gas bombs. They don’t exactly leap off the runway.

So maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of your bird on her last leg home!

Having lived in Hawaii and flown around it in a helicopter (Oahu), I can think of no area to fly that would be consistently more beautiful. Congratulations.

Congratulations Laurence!

It is pretty amazing to think of your Cirrus being flown across a couple thousand miles of open water–even with auxiliary tanks. [:)]

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If any owners are vacationing in Hawaii, look me up and we can fly around the islands.

Boy, are you going to get some phone calls!

It’s sure to be the prettiest aircraft in the islands!



I’d like to go flying with you.
BTW, would you mind picking me up in Miami. I spent all my money on my plane and don’t have anything left to get me there.

In reply to:

If any owners are vacationing in Hawaii, look me up and we can fly around the islands.


My wife asked me what I wanted for my next birthday. I originally said “I want to go bike riding on Maui!” (No, not up that 10,000 ft hill!)

After thinking about it I thought I would rather fly somewhere in the Cirrus. Now you’re offer comes along offering both ideas. Hmmmm…


Put your name in my organizer. Be forewarned! [:)]

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If any owners are vacationing in Hawaii, look me up and we can fly around the islands…

Now you tell me! We just got back from a week in Kapalua! I would have forced myself to stay a bit longer had I only known your new Cirrus was a-coming!![;)]

BTW…California Governor Ahnold’s in Wailea I believe, this week, if you didn’t hear…

And congratulations!! And welcome aboard!


Just noticed your baby is a G2 with TKS… (liked your corporate web design BTW) - can you answer a question for me?

In the G2 have they added either a “TKS pump on” aunnunciator light or a TKS level guage or both???

To me this is the most dangerous bit of the TKS system, you forget to switch it off, then use more fluid than you need to then run out of fluid when you get into trouble…

I always top off the tank before IFR flights, but a little light showing the pump was on would be a HUGE safety feature IMHO


actually in this case it leaves out of Hayward.

Congratulations!!! I bet they run her LOP! [;)]
