Electris deice

I receaved an email from a company that says they are close to certifacation on an electric Deice system for Lancair and Cirrus for 15,500 & the prop for 3,500 and also air conditioning. has anyone else heard of this from Don ps. I do not know how to do the link thing it is northcoast industrys


There are several firms named “Northcoast Industries” or “North Coast Industries.” Could you provide the address and telephone number of the firm and their web address? (I can make a link to it.)


I ran across this company, Northcoast Technologies, when I was visiting Lancair 2+ years ago on a reporting trip. My impression then is that they were closely involved with Lancair’s certified (ie, non-kit) division as partners. Their technology is called “Thermawing.” They’ve also been part of NASA’s effort to sponsor GA innovations – the same effort that helped with Cirrus’s wing cuffs, the now-failed Williams turbofan engine, and other new GA systems.

I have no idea of whether they are now involved with Cirrus. Merry Christmas to all.

This definitely looks interesting. If they get it certified for the Cirrus, it might be an option for adding to existing aircraft.

And it is a company with a sense of humor. [:)]

Try http://www.airplanedeice.com. I talked to the company at Oshkosh at the Lancair booth and this does look promising. It would need a bigger alternator for the Cirrusl They are presently working on the STC on the Baron, Lancair and according to the recent newsletter the SR20.
Don Kusenberger

Jim: I believe that you are correct that the company has worked extensively with Lancair and has, at least, had conversations with Cirrus. If it is the Company that I am thinking about, they are trying to develop a new technology using a very thin, multi-layered coating on the leading edge which would “blow” the ice off by using electrical charges.

While the technology seems very interesting, it also seems to be very embryonic.

I too go the email and it will be very interesting to see what develops.


I receaved an email back from them. They said Cirrus is not interested in there system. But they think the existing fleet will be canidates for the system. If it works as advertised I think it will be beter and not as messy from Don

According to their web site, the system is a pretty conventional heated one which doesn’t rely on any exotic electrical technologies. It relies on two types of heated zones that are cycled by a microprocessor that measues OAT, etc. The ice does indeed “blow” off, but it’s due to air pressure, not electrical charge.

Click here for a quick link.

  • Mike.