COPA Migration 16 Arrival Event!  Demos, Food and More!!!!








We are scrambling to add David Martin to our list of presenters to give us a PIREP on jumping into the Octagon at the end of the Conor McGregor Fight:

This post says the arrival event is 11:00 - 4:00, on Thursday. I received an e-mail today (subject line, “COPA M16 IMPORTANT PILOT INFORMATION”) stating the event is from 10:00 - 4:00. The same e-mail contained this link whose destination states (on the first page) that Thursday arrivals are from noon to 6:00. What time are arrivals requested to begin, and what time does the event begin?

Our apologies for the confusion. Let me clarify:

  1. Busses will operate from Henderson (KHND) to GVR and from GVR to Henderson:
  • Wednesday, October 10, 11:00am- 4:00pm, every 20-30 min
  • Thursday, October 11, 9:00am-6:00 pm, every 15-20 min
  • Friday, October 12, 7:00am- 12:00 pm, every 20-30 min
  1. The Arrival Event will be Thursday, October 11, 10:00 am- 4:00 pm- Food, Demos and Entertainment.

I hope that clears it up for you.

Bill Myers

M16 Chair

2nd reply- To be clear, you can arrive at KHND anytime and get transportation on your own, but the hours are when we are providing the bus transportation.

Thanks Bill. It looks like those of us attending the maintenance seminar will not be able to get our badges prior… Is that correct ?

I was about to ask the same thing, maybe we can attain our badges before the maintenance class?

NYou are correct as COPA Registration at the Hotel doesn’t open until 11:00 on Thursday. But you won’t need your badge on Thursday for anything other than COPA Cabana and we pretty much go on the honor system for that.

By way of background, one of the goals of the Migration Team this year has been to streamline the registration process. As an attendee I think it would be frustrating to have to check in at the Airport (for Fly-in’s), the Hotel and then the COPA Registration Desk. So this year, we have simplified the process by doing the following:

  • Provide complimentary porterage services on Thursday at KHND and at the Grand Event Center entrance at GVR. This means that your bags will be taken from you and tagged, so you only need to handle them once.
  • Provide automated Kiosk Registration for COPA Registration at GVR. While we will still have volunteers to assist, this should speed up the process quite a bit.
  • Provide automated Kiosk Registration for your GVR hotel room approximately 50 feet from the COPA registration desk.
    While this isn’t perfect, the idea is that we relieve folks of their bags and provide an expedited check in process. While in my opinion the technology would allow one expedited check in (Airport, Hotel and COPA registrations) neither the Hotel nor the Airport will cede control of their registration processes for liability reasons.

Hope that helps!

Thanks Bill ! I am looking forward to shaking your hand!

Also, went I went to the link to sign the " Chock Wavier" I got this

Screenshot 2018-10-08 15.48.01.png

Try this:

That works, thanks

Some time back I saw an agenda from Scott Williams with more detail…times, speakers, etc. I can’t find it anymore…and it’s not available on the “AGENDA” tab. This would be helpful for folks like me who may not be able to attend the whole event.

Am I just missing it, or can it be provided and / or posted on the AGENDA tab where folks would look for it?


There was an email sent out to all yesterday providing us a link to download the app which provides all detail and times. Works great, and here is the link.

Just go to app store on iPhone, look for Migration 16


Excellent…thanks! Very nice app!

The full schedule can be found on the COPA Migration 16 App, which you can download by clicking on this link:

The schedule changes quite a bit so I have decided to only keep one schedule instead of two due to manpower limitations.

Bil Myers

COPA M16 Chair

For those that need them at migration, first come first serve.

I have 6-7 full sets of chocks (set = 3 chocks) that I just picked up from Aircraft spruce. Colors red and yellow.

Not looking to make money just cover the cost.
All brand new, in the bag!

$80 a set
$30 for singles

Post here, message me, txt me, ask the FBO front desk.

I’ll buy a set off ya if there is one left. Yellow please.

My country needed me. Although the Nevada State commission will possibly ban me for assisting in breaking up the attacks, calming down Conor and keeping Khabib out of the Octagon for a few moments. Vegas baby.

Do we have a live stream for the poor souls not able to make?


Does this help? 3F01AF38-DA85-4EF4-B281-0ACE6EC3A31E.MOV (8.67 MB)