A friend of mine (Dentist) and I (bank CEO) are considering forming a partnership to purchase a Cirrus.
He owns a '82 Archer with dual Gamnins (540/430) GTX 330 Transponder, 340 Audio Panel TIS, has about 200 hours and is about to start his IFR training.
I own a '78 Cessna 182, Garmin 430 WAAS, S-TEC Auto pilot with roll steering, 340 Audio Panel, TIS, have about 650 hours and IFR rating. I am very proficient flying IFR, including LPV approaches and log a good bit of actual time.
My main concern is the usable load. I am about 6’3" and hit about 275 lbs. He is a lean and athletic trim 165 lbs. He has a spouse and two kiddos - about 9 and 6 y/o.
I am an “empty nester” whose wife will NEVER fly in a small plane - and hates flying in big ones. Thus, I fly with friends and I use my plane to visit our bank branches around Texas. I like to take staff with me.
The sun here is brutal from April through September.
It strikes me that at best a Cirrus is a three-adult plane.
Full glass panels don’t impress either one of us.
He wants more speed, but I like the carrying capacity of my “Suburban in the sky.”
In order to buy one Cirrus (used) we are probably going to have to sell or trade in both of our planes and still add a good bit of cash to the deal.
Any advice about how to begin the process, advice about reputable dealers, what questions to ask others - and ourselves will be much appreciated.
We live very close to Houston, Texas.
Regards -