Can some direct me to the Cirrus simulator that loads onto Microsoft Flight 2000? I saw it here last week.Does it work?
The plane flys and looks great. The only bad thing is its panel. It has an ADF. There is a FREE software program you can download that will allow you to design (edit) the panel the way you want, using existing FS2000 gauges. I am not a computer wiz but I was able to make mine look just like an SR20 “B” option panel. This software is almost too easy to use. I got so carried away I added aileron trim, two position flap indicator, my reserved N number, annuciator display, etc.
If you have any questions drop me an email.
Can some direct me to the Cirrus simulator that loads onto Microsoft Flight 2000? I saw it here last week.Does it work?
That post was click here Sim for FS2000 . If I remember correctly, someone tried it and said that it works, but it’s not as smooth as some other aircraft.
The rest of the posts are in the 2001-Mar-Wk1 archive.