Calling on SF Bay Area Cirrus Pilots

I am a new partner with Rob Bedichek in the SR22 tail number N567AB operated out of Palo Alto. I have had a SR20 on order for about a year (due Jan/Feb and for sale) but decided that half an SR22 now with a great partner is better than an SR20 later.

I would like to collect the contact info of the Bay Area Cirrus Pilots for the following reasons:

1.) We can create a list of people who are available for Ferry flights to TopGun etc.
2.) Identify those who are interested in being or needing a safety pilot
3.) See if there is any interest in periodically meeting to talk about what we have learned about these great Aircraft
4.) To find out “who was flying that one I just saw?”!

If you are interested, send me an E-mail at

Include your E-mail
tel number
Tail number and AC type

and indicate interest in

1.) Sharing you name and contact info within our group
2.) Sharing ferry flights
3.) Willing to be a safety pilot and generally when available
4.) Interst in a meeting or periodic meetings
5.) Other ideas

Have a great day!
