I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like your opinion as to its usefulness. This new site is not meant to compete with, but instead give us another way to share information about our favorite aircraft.
This new web site is hosted by a new type of web server that allows all of us to add new web pages to the site. Everyone that visits the site can also add new pages, and make corrections to existing pages. The server also provides file upload and download capabilities.
The initial use for this site could be to have a place where all of us can upload our digital photos and movies. I’ve started a “photos” page on the site, and hope others will add their pictures. The delivery date for my SR-20 is still a year away, so I enjoy seeing photos of the aircraft already delivered.
The web site is at:
If that doesn’t work, please try:
I look forward to your comments regarding this new site. Please feel free to add a page or two while visiting the site. There is a help page that explains how to add stuff.
Bob Houston
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like your opinion as to its usefulness. This new site is not meant to compete with, but instead give us another way to share information about our favorite aircraft.
This new web site is hosted by a new type of web server that allows all of us to add new web pages to the site. Everyone that visits the site can also add new pages, and make corrections to existing pages. The server also provides file upload and download capabilities.
The initial use for this site could be to have a place where all of us can upload our digital photos and movies. I’ve started a “photos” page on the site, and hope others will add their pictures. The delivery date for my SR-20 is still a year away, so I enjoy seeing photos of the aircraft already delivered.
The web site is at:
If that doesn’t work, please try:
I look forward to your comments regarding this new site. Please feel free to add a page or two while visiting the site. There is a help page that explains how to add stuff.
Bob Houston
Bob, you have great intentions, but what you have done has the ability to split up and destroy a forum that has worked fine for 3 years. So I must ask for a boycott of the new web site so we can keep the feed back and information accurate and current. This is not a personal attack but I must cry “united we stand, divided we fall”…ed
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like your opinion as to its usefulness. This new site is not meant to compete with, but instead give us another way to share information about our favorite aircraft.
This new web site is hosted by a new type of web server that allows all of us to add new web pages to the site. Everyone that visits the site can also add new pages, and make corrections to existing pages. The server also provides file upload and download capabilities.
The initial use for this site could be to have a place where all of us can upload our digital photos and movies. I’ve started a “photos” page on the site, and hope others will add their pictures. The delivery date for my SR-20 is still a year away, so I enjoy seeing photos of the aircraft already delivered.
The web site is at:
If that doesn’t work, please try:
I look forward to your comments regarding this new site. Please feel free to add a page or two while visiting the site. There is a help page that explains how to add stuff.
Bob Houston
Hi Bob,
I’m afraid it is labour lost and no need for anyone to setup another SR20 website. has worked out very fine for many years and provides the SR20 enthusiast with all the information he needs at one place. And I bet we all are very happy with that. If you think you can add valuable information, please use this website that is wellknown to almost all of us who are interested in Cirrus. It is senseless and not desirable to spread information about Cirrus all over the web.
Jan Stevens (#469#470)
Another site would only be dilutive. I understand your enthusiasm, but please don’t do it.
Bob B.
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like
So far, so good with your new site. I love, I occassionally look at (not much there that changes except the production number under “What’s New”.), and your site looks like it could be a nice addition to the first two.
It is like having more than one newspaper in a town. Your site allows more interactive uploads, etc., and that might work out nicely.
Good luck with it,
Rob Bedichek
Been having too much fun over the weekend to even look at my own web site
Thanks for all the support from everyone else - but basically I don’t see a problem. Providing we have links between the sites, having more information and more resources can only help. The forum here, in particular, works well and I don’t see the need for another, but I know people have pictures and the like to put up, and sometimes I don’t get time to deal with them promptly, so having a “self-service” facility is probably good.
Haven’t looked at the site long enough to make any comment about it, but I will say one thing; the single most important feature of a web site is that it must be reliable. I pay money to host this site at a top-notch web-hosting service, and don’t regret that at all. It’s not a lot of money, and I get some other spin-off benefits, but it is false economy to do it on the cheap. I have no idea where yours is hosted, so don’t take that as any comment on your site, just a general observation.
Other than that - go for it! Live long and prosper! May the force be with you! Just do it!
Cheers, Clyde
Ive tried everything to get your site, using windows 98, Yahoo, alta vista, google etc, no one sems to have it-- can you give further help?
tom 240
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like your opinion as to its usefulness. This new site is not meant to compete with, but instead give us another way to share information about our favorite aircraft.
This new web site is hosted by a new type of web server that allows all of us to add new web pages to the site. Everyone that visits the site can also add new pages, and make corrections to existing pages. The server also provides file upload and download capabilities.
The initial use for this site could be to have a place where all of us can upload our digital photos and movies. I’ve started a “photos” page on the site, and hope others will add their pictures. The delivery date for my SR-20 is still a year away, so I enjoy seeing photos of the aircraft already delivered.
The web site is at:
If that doesn’t work, please try:
I look forward to your comments regarding this new site. Please feel free to add a page or two while visiting the site. There is a help page that explains how to add stuff.
Bob Houston
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like
So far, so good with your new site. I love, I occassionally look at (not much there that changes except the production number under “What’s New”.), and your site looks like it could be a nice addition to the first two.
It is like having more than one newspaper in a town. Your site allows more interactive uploads, etc., and that might work out nicely.
Good luck with it,
Rob Bedichek
There seem to be two arguments regarding the new site. One is that the new site dilutes the old, the other that the new site has unique features (e.g., the “Marketplace”).
I think the best solution would be to combine the best features of both into one site, the format etc. to be determined. Clyde has clearly gone above and beyond the call of duty in his efforts and perhaps might like a rest or some help?
The Socata board that I visit often ( has two people running it and it seems to work out quite well.
Joe Mazza
Former Position Holder
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like
So far, so good with your new site. I love, I occassionally look at (not much there that changes except the production number under “What’s New”.), and your site looks like it could be a nice addition to the first two.
It is like having more than one newspaper in a town. Your site allows more interactive uploads, etc., and that might work out nicely.
Good luck with it,
Rob Bedichek
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like your opinion as to its usefulness. This new site is not meant to compete with, but instead give us another way to share information about our favorite aircraft.
This new web site is hosted by a new type of web server that allows all of us to add new web pages to the site. Everyone that visits the site can also add new pages, and make corrections to existing pages. The server also provides file upload and download capabilities.
The initial use for this site could be to have a place where all of us can upload our digital photos and movies. I’ve started a “photos” page on the site, and hope others will add their pictures. The delivery date for my SR-20 is still a year away, so I enjoy seeing photos of the aircraft already delivered.
The web site is at:
If that doesn’t work, please try:
I look forward to your comments regarding this new site. Please feel free to add a page or two while visiting the site. There is a help page that explains how to add stuff.
Bob Houston
Bob, you have great intentions, but what you have done has the ability to split up and destroy a forum that has worked fine for 3 years. So I must ask for a boycott of the new web site so we can keep the feed back and information accurate and current. This is not a personal attack but I must cry “united we stand, divided we fall”…ed
Hello?!? Are you guys here not over-reacting just a bit?! I like Clyde’s site and I think it’s a great forum and indeed I’ll check it very regularly. Nevertheless, calling for a boycott of the other site etc. is really needless. Everyone is quite free to do as they please. It’s up to us to keep this site the most interesting one!
Given the number of planes sold, it’s anyhow just a matter of time until there’s a couple or so of other sites.
Clyde has set an amazingly high bar.
That said, Bob, go for it. Delight us with new information. Make it a commercial site and give us news about third-party contract swaps and prices, sources of aftermarket supply, lists of shops, CFIs, and safety pilots expert in Cirrus.
As for you nay-sayers: Whoa! You’re like those who shout down dissenters at a rally. As Chris said, lighten up!
I have setup a new SR-20 web site and would like your opinion as to its usefulness. This new site is not meant to compete with, but instead give us another way to share information about our favorite aircraft.
This new web site is hosted by a new type of web server that allows all of us to add new web pages to the site. Everyone that visits the site can also add new pages, and make corrections to existing pages. The server also provides file upload and download capabilities.
The initial use for this site could be to have a place where all of us can upload our digital photos and movies. I’ve started a “photos” page on the site, and hope others will add their pictures. The delivery date for my SR-20 is still a year away, so I enjoy seeing photos of the aircraft already delivered.
The web site is at:
If that doesn’t work, please try:
I look forward to your comments regarding this new site. Please feel free to add a page or two while visiting the site. There is a help page that explains how to add stuff.
Bob Houston
Bob, you have great intentions, but what you have done has the ability to split up and destroy a forum that has worked fine for 3 years. So I must ask for a boycott of the new web site so we can keep the feed back and information accurate and current. This is not a personal attack but I must cry “united we stand, divided we fall”…ed
I think I join the “more the merrier” camp. Clyde’s site is indispensable – think what it would be like to be in the Cirrus world and not have this venue for sharing info, mis-info, and impressions. Even if there were a dozen Cirrus-related sites, I suspect that Clyde’s will and should remain the central one for forums and discussions, because of familiar “network economics” principles. (Ie, the more people are already on an established standard – VHS, Windows, eBay, SR20.ORG – the more attractive it is for each new participant also to sign up there.)
But this new site is offering some different emphases – in particular, (a) an explicitly market-type function for buying, selling, and advertising contracts and airplanes, and (b) easy ways for people to upload their own photos etc. Also this can shift the burden off Clyde to maintain functions or info-logs that some other people may want to produce but that are not practical for him to do. The experience of the Net world is that two contradictory-seeming principles are simultaneously true. There is a tendency toward concentration, as people gravitate to sites where there’s the most traffic and most other users; but there’s also a strong taste for diversity and choice. I think the appearance of another site adds to diversity and choice, while probably not diluting the central-discussion role of
And let’s be honest – how many people here would REALLY resent having another Cirrus-related site to check out on the web??? [g]
As always, JF is correct and to the point.
Welcome to new site.
Can you imagine if we had boycotted Cirrus…
Have a great Cirrus day…
I think I join the “more the merrier” camp. Clyde’s site is indispensable – think what it would be like to be in the Cirrus world and not have this venue for sharing info, mis-info, and impressions. Even if there were a dozen Cirrus-related sites, I suspect that Clyde’s will and should remain the central one for forums and discussions, because of familiar “network economics” principles. (Ie, the more people are already on an established standard – VHS, Windows, eBay, SR20.ORG – the more attractive it is for each new participant also to sign up there.)
But this new site is offering some different emphases – in particular, (a) an explicitly market-type function for buying, selling, and advertising contracts and airplanes, and (b) easy ways for people to upload their own photos etc. Also this can shift the burden off Clyde to maintain functions or info-logs that some other people may want to produce but that are not practical for him to do. The experience of the Net world is that two contradictory-seeming principles are simultaneously true. There is a tendency toward concentration, as people gravitate to sites where there’s the most traffic and most other users; but there’s also a strong taste for diversity and choice. I think the appearance of another site adds to diversity and choice, while probably not diluting the central-discussion role of
And let’s be honest – how many people here would REALLY resent having another Cirrus-related site to check out on the web??? [g]
I’ve added a link to in the Links page.
BTW, it was interesting to see the comments about the “many years” that this site has been going. It’s actually been just less than a year, and Christopher’s site was up for less than a year before that. They must have been good years!
Cheers, Clyde
Thanks to everyone who offered comments and suggestions. I appreciate your thoughts regarding my site.
Is anyone else having trouble accessing the site via:
Please let me know and I will investigate the problem.
Ive tried everything to get your site, using windows 98, Yahoo, alta vista, google etc, no one sems to have it-- can you give further help?
tom 240