2020 COPA Migration CANCELED šŸ˜¢

Weā€™re thinking of doing the same. We havenā€™t cancelled our hotel reservation, yet. Weā€™ll see how things go. I just got back a week ago from a trip across the country and back, so a trip across the state probably wonā€™t worry us much.

I totally get why the meeting is cancelled. Not enough participants.

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I have room reserved and still plan On going

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Stay safe and letā€™s all enjoy the location. Walk, relax, unwind, breath the sea air. Donā€™t forget to bring your camera.

This was going to be our first time. We are always looking for a getaway to a beautiful resort so unless itā€™s really bad we will be there with masks onā€¦ hope to meet some of you.


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I chatted with Dennis Haber and he and Jill are planning on being at the Omni for Migration Plan B as will Joyce and I. As mentioned before the Hotel is honoring the COPA rate and waving the resort fee. Iā€™m not sure if this is true if you cancel and re-book, best check if you are a maybe. As we get closer to the date Dennis and I will broadcast some ideas. We talked about opening cocktails and a group (socially distanced) dinner and some other fun and potentially educational stuff. Its a beautiful place particularly in October with lots to do so we donā€™t need to over organize. If your thinking of going post on this thread with the others who have indicated they are coming so we can have an idea of the kind of things to put together. We will get serious around the first of September.



We are definitely interested in flying up from Boca Raton for MPB! We had plans to attends this years Migration.

Keep us posted.



Weā€™ve retained our reservations at the Omni, circumstances permitting, my family and I are looking forward to meeting you in October.

Iā€™m also at the ready to help with MPB if needed.

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Well thenā€¦ out of the ashes, emerges the 2020 Great Pumpkin Migration

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Iā€™m very certainly planning on visiting Amelia Island that weekend. Some of the best relationships Iā€™ve formed with people I truly admire have been with members of this community. I personally feel comfortable those of us who independently choose to do so can get together safely - albeit not in any way under the COPA organization umbrella which we all understand.

As a side note, I believe it was in the organizationā€™s best interest to cancel the formal group sanctioned event and appreciate all the work and discussions that went into the planning and decision to scrub.

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Now I have to cancel my airline flight ā€¦

Agree with your comments regarding COPA organization decision. This get together would be an independent voluntary gathering of Cirrus Pilot.

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I think that is great. I would attend it if wasnā€™t so farā€¦ If I lived closer I would be there.


We are going to be on Amelia that weekend so we look forward to any shenanigans Dennis and Gil have in mind.

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Knowing them both for sometime, I think you are putting that lightly! :smiley:

You guys have fun!


And you donā€™t have a flying airplaneā€¦

Just sayinā€™


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Well, there is that.

I should have it back by then however. Week one down, it wasnā€™t that hard.

Withdrawals have not set in yetā€¦

Get a phone number for loxal supprt group.

Place at bottom of ā€œfavoritesā€

Trust me Roger.

Later you will thank meā€¦

ā€œFrom those who have gone beforeā€


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Signing up for the 12 step program. Lets see:

The first is to admit I have a problem. I donā€™t have a problem, I just donā€™t have an airplane :rage:

I stopped reading after that nonsenseā€¦

I can hide from the world. It was a 118 out yesterday so I donā€™t really want to go out anyway.

Iā€™ll call for moral support.


As we come closer to our unofficial 2020 Great Pumpkin Migration, I would like to inform you of at least one new challenge that will be in place.