Someone please take me flying in a Cirrus!!!
COPA membership $50
Pilot’s license $5000
Cirrus SR22GTS $434,145.00
Free ride for motivation… priceless!
Seriously, there are several owners/members in Santa Clarita. Join and you can find out how to contact them. Maybe they’re nice like everyone else.
If you’re a pilot, or maybe even if you’re not, you can feed your Cirrus addiction by the hour at Gene Hudson at VNY.
In reply to:
COPA membership $50
Pilot’s license $5000
Cirrus SR22GTS $434,145.00
Free ride for motivation… priceless!
Seriously, there are several owners/members in Santa Clarita. Join and you can find out how to contact them. Maybe they’re nice like everyone else.
If you’re a pilot, or maybe even if you’re not, you can feed your Cirrus addiction by the hour at Gene Hudson at VNY.
Thanks for the reply. I too wish/dream of/pray for a Cirrus someday!!! My background: I got my private certificate in 1994. I only have 140 hours, 4 hours in the last ten years! (all occurring this year). I lost interest in aviation for a while because of the stagnation in the industry at the time. When I found out about companies like Cirrus Design and Lancair it really got me interested again. Now I’m looking for a flying buddy in Southern California. I’m thinking seriously of joining COPA just to help me get back in the scene. Do you know of any forum or venue where people looking for ‘flying partners’ can go? Thanks.
Sounds familiar. Licensed 1984 at 50 hours. Too few looking back, I flew a couple flights and let it go as I had no confidence to fly. The all glass SR22 caught my interest in a magazine back in early 2004. A few months later heard about a Cirrus open house at Van Nuys and attended. A nice salesman twisted my arm and I took a demo flight. Nevermind I hadn’t flown a plane in 20 years and could not possibly afford one. I was hooked.
That motivated me to get current again, which is what I’ve been working on over the past year. Put 40 hours on a junky old 172 rental.
Now that Gene Hudson has an SR20 rental I want to move up to so that I can do some actual traveling in safe comfort with my family.
If you have $2-3,000 laying around you could call them up for a check out. There’s a waiting list however. I know, I’m on it.
Cirrus’ website sells a transition training kit ($245) that will teach you everything a book can teach you, and the COPA site can show you all the real world positives and negetives of piloting/owning one.
Once I’m checked out I may be looking for another pilot to share the rental expense for putting around up there. I’ll post here.