SR22 for Calgary - partner wanted

As postion number 163 I got the invite from Cirrus to upgrade to the SR22 today. For me, this is a no brainer as I was entertaining selling my SR20 position to get in line for the SR22 if this opportunity did not present itself.

I live with flat prairie to one side and 12000 foot granite on the other. Local airports are just below 4000 ASL. For me, the extra climb and ability to actually fill four seats for my routine 500 nm flights is a big plus. The “B” avionics (full electric, Sandel HSI, altitude pre select etc) are exactly what I want for my IFR flying.

Now that 3 bladed prop even makes sense! Oh yea, it flys faster too!

At a fraction of the price of a comparible Bonanza or Commander the decision is even easier.

One problem- the extra 100,000 in Canuck bucks required. Parnterhip applications now being accepted!