Now that SR22’s are rolling down the production line (albeit slowly), has the landing light been moved to the lower cowl on the SR20 (where it belongs) yet? If not, does anyone know when that change is supposed to occur? Am I correct in my belief that the 22 has the light in the lower cowl rather than blocking the air intake?
You are correct, the 22 light is in the lower cowl, do not know the plans for the 20. It is tacky in the intake, lets hope they make the change.
Now that SR22’s are rolling down the production line (albeit slowly), has the landing light been moved to the lower cowl on the SR20 (where it belongs) yet? If not, does anyone know when that change is supposed to occur? Am I correct in my belief that the 22 has the light in the lower cowl rather than blocking the air intake?
You are correct, the 22 light is in the lower
cowl, do not know the plans for the 20. It is
tacky in the intake, lets hope they make the
I don’t really care about tacky, but I do care
about them burning out. Landing lights are
turning out to be a significant operating cost
[ … ]
You are correct, the 22 light is in the lower
cowl, do not know the plans for the 20. It is
tacky in the intake, lets hope they make the
I don’t really care about tacky, but I do care
about them burning out. Landing lights are
turning out to be a significant operating cost
[ … ]
Maybe we can compare notes about where to buy the lights? Some other local SR20 owners pointed me to Aircraft Spruce (I had looked in their paper catalog and didn’t see the right kind of light, but apparently they do sell them for $79).
I called Whelen (manufacturer) directly and they pointed me to http://www.aviall.comAviall which sells them for $68. I bought the last one they had in stock about a month ago, but presumably they have more in stock now or will shortly.
(Note that this compares to $110 if purchased from Cirrus, so it’s almost a 40% savings. You don’t get the semicircle-shaped aluminum tape if you don’t buy from Cirrus, but I bought some high-temp duct tape at Home Depot that looks like it’ll do the trick.)
Has anyone found better prices than these?
P.S. I believe CD is supposed to be coming out with a “Boom-Beam”-like (gas discharge) landing light retrofit kit at some point in the future, but no estimated dates yet)