I have a 2004 SR22 G2 (non turbo) and have consistently experienced oil temps in the 200-230 range. Here is an example of a recent flight. Would love to know if others see similar numbers.
4 hour flight from CA to CO. 75 degrees OAT for most of flight. Oil temps ranged between 210 and 230 with no particular trend. Oil pressure “steady” at 41 to 44 PSI (again, no real trend up or down). CHTs in the low to mid 300’s. Plane ran fine and other than the occasional flicker of the oil light (is that tied to pressure or temp) all seemed ok.
I have had our mechanics check the vernitherm and oil cooler. Oil consumption is decent at one quart every 5-8 hours.
During the 4 hour flight, I tried a number of power settings (ROP, LOP, etc) with no clear correlation to higher or lower oil temps.
We did have a long (10 min) ground hold and oil was already at 190 on takeoff.
Appreciate your thoughts and what you see in your SR22.
I use the same oil type and my plane is similar to yours. I fly in hot weather year around in Brazil. My oil temperatures in cruise are usually 180-190F and 190-210 when climbing. My pressure is also in 46-47 range in cruise. You can see my flights and engine parameter at cirrusreports.com, search for PRFUN.
Before you start searching for the causes of your hot oil, i recommend you make sure your engine data is good. Check your oil sensor connectors and your DAU/SIU comnection. Also share your engime data at cirrusreports so we can look at other flight parameters and see if you really have a problem.
Good Luck
Altitude was 7,500 and then climbed to 11,500. Temps really didn’t seem to change much at different altitudes. OAT was 75 at lower altitudes and high 60s at higher altitudes.
That would be a very, very warm day. ISA temperature at 11,500 is about 17 deg F / -7 deg C, so you were in ISA + 27 (C) conditions. An oil temperature of 200 would not be surprising in the least. If 230, that would be quite high, though.
I have the same aircraft and fly around Australia where it does get hot. 78dF is really hot at altitude. Even on a hot summers day here it wouldn’t be that hot at altitude. CHTs do seem to be higher also, which makes sense as to why your oil was hot. The time spent on the ground shouldn’t have an affect once in flight. On a hot day Joy flighting at 500ft I wouldn’t see 200+. It would be around 190ish.
My aircraft settles around 182-184 once in cruise regardless of the OAT. Is weird sometimes mine settles at 179 and as the OAT gets cooler if I’m heading south it goes up to 183-184. The reverse applies as I head north too on a long flight which seems counter intuitive.
Your temps do seem too high though. How many quarts of oil do you run in your engine? Is oil on the belly a lot? Running LOP should have seen cooler CHTs, how did your CHTs track between ROP and LOP? How many gallons per hour at ROP and LOP?
Thanks for all of the feedback. Yes, it was a hot day. The flight was only a few days ago and as many know it has been very hot across the country recently.
My fuel flow was around 12-13 GPH at 60% power. I tinkered with various settings, including ROP at 18+ GPH and really saw very little movement on oil temp.
No, no oil on belly and oil consumption is pretty low (one qt every 5-8 hrs).
One thing you can do is lower the rate of climb. I had the same issue and lowering to a 300 fpm climb rate made the light go out. I use Exxon Elite, IMHO it’s the best and well worth it. Fly with the boost pump on all summer especially in CA and CO.
Have you loaded your engine data to cirrusreports.com. ? It really does sound too high. Be interested to take a look if you can load it there. There are some very experienced members of this group, and moving this discussion to member forum in powerplant section will reach a lot of these guys. Not sure if you are a copa member or not but it’s well worth it.