Southern California Cirrus fly-in

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it is right about half way between SF and LA.

Movement along the San Andreas fault must really be picking up! Back when I was a kid in Southern California, Oceanside was south of Los Angeles, half way to San Diego. Or maybe this is just a sign of how long it’s been since I was a kid.

Wish I could join my fellow Californians, wherever the fly-in is. Perhaps even at Oceano airport, on the central coast? [;)]

Wrong Ocean. Guess I was referring to Oceano (L52)

Neil Paton

I was at Oceano recently, with its cute 2325 ft runway.

I went to a restaurant and when I mentioned I had flew into Oceano, the
waitress asked me “is that a real airport and laughed?”. Her impression was that
very few people flew in because the runway was so short.

Very nice place, but not alot of extra runway on landing, takeoff wasn’t an
issue at all.


I could go for Santa Barbara, except I’ll have to do one turn around the pattern to “fly in” here! [;)] If SBA, I’d suggest we make reservations at the Beachside Bar Cafe, which is right on the ocean. MUCH MUCH better food and service than the Elephant Bar. (Highly rated on Airnav, including a review by some guy named Roger Freedman!). Tiedown would be at Mercury on the South side of the airport, and the restaurant is a 5 minute walk down the road toward the beach.

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Guess I was referring to Oceano (L5

Oceano is fun. I go in there a lot. But it is very susceptible to coastal stratus, especially in the Spring, and there’s no approach and no weather reporting (other than a webcam!).