Skylane owner seeking feedback on SR22

Thanks for the info.

Sounds like you’ve this through.

I made a similar comparison, but since the high altitude wasn’t as important a factor for me, I went with the faster/higher-load/sexier SR22.

Wave if you see an SR22 with tail number N224MN zoom past ;))


Response to 182LK,

Based upon the important points you seem to note re your turbo 182, you really should consider the Peterson 260se.

The 260se has essentially the same cruise speed (150 kts), has a much better useful load (650# full fuel plus or minus), can have its avionics configured exactly the way you want them, has a much lower stall speed (35 kts), a 700nm range, and has a neat pair of whiskers to boot that allow the aircraft to easily handle the mountains’ high density altitudes, not to mention cruise at 16,000 with O2 aboard.

Plus, the IO-470 engine is rock solid and much simpler than the demands and stresses of the turbo.

All that for $80k less moola, too.

So why pay so much for comparable capability?
