Question: Does the Sandel as delivered have the RMI pointer wired to the #2 Garmin 430? I read the information on the Sandel web site to the effect that with a dual Garmin 430 installation, the Sandel can be wired either with a relay to switch the source for the #1 nav data display, or it can be wired so that #1 Garmin is always the #1 nav data and that the RMI pointer is always driven by the #2 Garmin. This would then give you the avility to make the RMI pointer point to any VOR or any GPS waypoint that is in the Garmin database. I agree that simpler is better, and would not suggest that a relay be wired to switch the imput to the #1 nav data on the Sandel, but there is great utility in being able to make the RMI pointer of the Sandel point to a VOR or a GPS waypoint, particularly if that waypoint is also a FAF.
On the subject of the Stormscope, I believe that the Stormscope can provide its data to any number of displays. As was explained to me at the AOPA Convention by BFGoodrich, each display can have its own setting as to range and clearing of strikes. The range setting or clearing of strikes on one display does not affect any of the data displayed on another unit. Each display can also be switched on or off without affecting any other display. Thus, there is no “control” of the Stormscope by the unit on which the data is displayed. The only control is the way each display accumulates or cleares the data, and the range for which the data is displayed on each unit.
It certainly may be a pilot preference not to display Stormscope data on the Sandel or on one of the Garmins, and to display only on the ARNAV. It should not be impossible to see the Stormscope data on the Sandel or the Garmin. There may be times when you want to see the Stormscope data on these devices and times you don’t. If you don’t want to see the Stormscope data on these units, it can be turned off on these units.
Am I missing something here? Is Cirrus really not making the necessary data connections for the Stormscope to the Sandel and to the Garmin 430’s and referring the purchaser to an outisde avionics shop to complete the inter-unit wiring? I would like to also confirm the manner in which the nav data from the #2 Garmin 430 is displayed on the Sandel.