Pre-buy checklist

New to forum and my first post.
Looking to find per-buy checklist for older 2002, SR22 for A/P can follow. Something specific for year and model.
I know bets is to go to Cirrus service center or get Cirrus certified A/P, however, lets just pretend that they are busy for next two months and only option is experienced A/P near by.
Thank you

It appears that prebuy assistance is still there, some free and also hiring Savvy to manage your prebuy.

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Courtesy of Mike Busch and Savvy Aviation. They used to review logbooks for free to look for red flags. Don’t know if they still do.


I got help from Savvy for log books. However, aircraft is Canada and they don’t do anything outside of US.

Thank you John

We conduct about 40-50 prebuys on Cirrus alone. We can assist you if you like. feel free to contact me and either myself or one of my team members can assist.