I’m a student about 15 hours into training all in a 172. I’ve been waiting on my medical clearance for a while and have been thinking that when I restart I will finish in the flight school’a SR20 since that’s what I’d plan to fly when I’m done anyway.
My instructor is very good, lots of qualifications, but not a CSIP. I don’t know how many hours instructor has in a cirrus.
Should I have any reservations on finishing my PPL with this instructor and flight school in the SR20? As far as I can tell the closest CSIP is 90 minutes away and may not even have access to a cirrus to rent. Thoughts?
I’m in no hurry to rush through anything or save $. Flying personally only with no career goals. I figure I want to fly the plane that I’d rent /buy after. I’d also do instrument in it
I got checked out in a SR22 from a non-CSIP from a location that had a Cirrus for rent.
It was good instruction, but most my CSIP instruction I have received after that have been far better. There have been some that were not as good.
You can make your own decisions on the CFI, Time in type if what I would be most concerned with.
I highly recommend the Cirrus iFOM. I would study this and follow its training. If the instructor follows that course, then your headed down the right path…
Derek, as Erik suggested, membership in COPA opens up access to more forum discussions that likely will help you with your local choices and training aspirations. Go for it!
As for reservations about a non-CSIP instructor – choose your instructor carefully.
Yes, good to learn what experience that instructor has with dual instruction in a Cirrus SR20. There are two aspects that seem important to know: how many hours of dual instruction given, and number of PPL candidates that passed their checkrides in the SR20.
Be aware that in the accident history of the Cirrus fleet, we have had 18 fatal accidents with instructors or high-time pilots in the right seat – only 2 were CSIPs and coincidentally both of them survived. Most of those other 16 instructors had very little time in a Cirrus. Experienced instructors know the edges of the safety envelope and how to keep pilot candidates from further trouble.
Best wishes for completing your flight training. Hope to see you in COPA in the future.