I am about to qualify for my PPL and I am seriously considering purchasing a G5 22T (once I have an instrument rating too). I have read a lot of material that suggests a newly qualified pilot shouldn’t be buying such a fast plane!
Does anyone have strong views about this?
Further, I noticed a lot more Ts than non Ts on the market (used that is) - which makes me wonder is it a coincidence? or is it because its a lot more painful/expensive to run/maintain etc?
Join COPA it will be the best money you spend in aviation. It’s a great community.
T vs non is should be mostly mission and budget driven. Better performance up high but at the cost of fuel, loss of useful load, and slightly higher maintenance costs.
I went with a g6 22T and don’t regret it a bit.
As far a ppl to cirrus…i did the same. With the right training and a decent amount of it. It should not be an issue in my opinion. Many flight schools are teaching in the 20/22 and have had good success.
I bought my SR22 in 2007 when I had only just passed my PPL and did my instrument rating in it. 2800 Cirrus hours later, I have never regretted that decision.
Regarding the choice between N/A and turbo: my view is that, unless you actually need the climb performance (eg if you fly over high mountains a lot) the N/A is a better bet because you get more useful load, less complexity and lower maintenance costs.
I bought SR22 NA primarily for useful load. Don’t regret. Little slower and little lower but I can carry stuff. Cirrus will give you free embark training to transition.
Welcome! As others have mentioned joining as a full member will open up a cornucopia of prior discussions on this topic.
My $0.02 buy the plane that will fit your mission, just be aware of what you are getting into an then be sure to get QUALITY training and set limits for yourself as your skillset builds.
I have trained for my PP Cert in the SR20. I’ve flown in both the 22 and 22T as part of my training and am also considering a future purchase. I am leaning towards an SR22T…but only because I expect to fly at +10K density altitude on a regular basis. IMHO, it depends on how you intend to use the plane. If you have no need for the additional performance, then you should not pay for it. On the other hand, if you think you may want the flexibility, then buy what you can afford.
Yes: if you haven’t already, look at the Cirrus Embark programme. It offers free transition training regardless of how you buy your aircraft. I wish it had been on offer when I started!
Welcome. I bought a used 22 NA with other pilots a couple of years after returning to flying. Did my instrument rating in it. The NA suited, and still suits, my mission here in Midwest.
Insurance will cost more 1. Depending on total hours and 2. If you have your instrument rating. I would reach out to @Ryan_Konrath about these matters. You may find you have to go with a company such as London insurance who in the past would insure newer Cirrus pilots. Our LLC was with London until we could get the required hours and instrument ratings.
If you can swing it, getting your rating in the plane you will be flying is the way to go.
I recommend attending a copa training pilot proficiency program on a recurring basis and engage a CSIP (instructor who specializes in Cirrus) to conduct your training.
Suggest that you find a good instructor before making a purchase. We were looking at a Cirrus for our sons to get their PPL/IFR. But none of the three nearby airports have a Cirrus instructor. Nearest Cirrus instructor is a 90 minute drive. So we’re going with the Cessna 182 for PPL/IFR training.
Everyone on this forum will tell you to get a Cirrus instructor (CSIP). They never mention how hard it is to schedule an instructor for months of training. Or how expensive and time consuming it is.
I got my instrument rating in a C172 before buying a Cirrus SR22. I was able to fly twice a week with multiple airplanes available and several instructors (if mine was booked). I knew the C172 cold and easily hand flew all the approaches (with no autopilot). Took 6 months and $11k (back in 2003).
Was it difficult to transition from a C172 to a SR22? Not really. The hardest part was landing at my 3500’ airport. I would do a go around or two before getting the landing right. That took 100 hours before I was comfortable flying into any airport.
The instrument transition was actually pretty easy (with the avidyne avionics). After flying the C172 by hand, I was in heaven with the SR22. It was way easier in every respect. Great displays, great autopilot, weather, skywatch, engine parameters.
There have been quite a few accidents where the pilots could not even do a go around or handle a crosswind on landing. These basic VFR skills were hammered in during the C172 training. Unfortunately some pilots don’t get enough of this training.
When you join COPA, you can find posts on turbo vs N/A and on training in a Cirrus vs something else and then transitioning. I got my private and instrument in 172s and bought a Cirrus (turbo normalized) about a month later (and have a turbo now). I think that made me a better pilot because I learned IFR with round dials and no auto pilot, and I thought the transition to a Cirrus was pretty easy. Certainly for IFR. But others will say train what you’re going to fly, and there are certainly benefits to that too. On the T vs the N/A, read the posts. Mountain flying is just just one of the many advantages to flying a T. I love having one. Good luck.