Since no one has started a discussion on this, I thought I would!
I just received a package from Cirrus regarding the “new” graphics, interior options and other things.
The good news is that it clearly says “The gross weight of the SR20 is increased to 3,000lbs”. This is, of course, on new deliveries! It makes no mention of what needs to be done on existing planes to achive a higher gross weight or what they did different on new planes.
OK, now I don’t know what I was expecting, but the new graphics don’t do a lot for me? I think I liked the old graphics better and there were more color choices. We went from six color choices to 3.
Thoughts? Comments?
Funny you should mention it! After I, too, got my options package yesterday, I was just about to raise this topic here (and with Cirrus).
In a word, I find the new colors UGLY! Okay, to be charitable, they leave me flat and cheapen the appearance of this otherwise handsome bird. Prior color schemes had a contrasting secondary color (such as grey), but the “improved” design uses lighter shades of the same color (such as combining red with…pink)!
I realize that this is largely a matter of personal taste, but I’m seriously considering asking for an all-white (no decal) plane.
If anyone else feels the same way, I’d urge you to contact Cirrus, as I will. Since they’ve not yet finished any SR20A’s, we might still be able to bring back the old colors, if they aren’t victims of cost-cutting.
If we can’t, maybe the resale value of the first-model-year SR20s just went up!