New Arnav

I am thinking of geting the new hardware for arnav anyone flying and using it yet. I wonder if it is worth it and has it been any problems for you. ? From Don

I will have meine re-installed with the upgrade thurs. or fri…i’ll let you know

I now have the “hardware” part of the new Arnav display. It was installed when my airplane was in the shop two weeks ago to get the engine-monitoring system.

The software for the new Arnav was not ready at the same time, so my display still looks the way it always has. But the software, in the form of a data card, is supposed to be ready “this week.” It is now Wednesday, and it was supposed to be ready several weeks ago, so I’m not holding my breath. But when it arrives, I’ll put the new data card in the display and send a report on how it looks.

I just bought a slightly used SR20 and will take deliver next week. As such, I’m not up to speed on the advantages of the new ARNAV. Would someone mind briefly stating the key benefits for a VFR flyer, vs. AVIDYNE? Will graphics and detail be enhanced?THX!!

Soon to upgrade mine as well. ARNAV called and asked me a bunch of questions, including, “To which cylinder is the CHT probe attached?” (this would be for the factory-installed single probe). I might have flunked the answer.
Anybody know?

How is Arnav pricing the upgrade? I hadn’t seen any announcements yet. Which is too bad, since I just had my engine monitoring installed 2 weeks ago and would have loved to do the upgrade at the same time. :frowning:



I think that the software upgrade will be another week. I dropped my SR22 off at Airways on Monday. My ARNAV was sent back the same day. I talked with ARNAV today and was advised that my unit is being returned tomorrow monring, but that I will not see Rev H until next week…guess that we can figure it out together…

I also had the additional hardware added for the ARINC 429 interface. Although the firmware to support this will probably not be available until later this summer, at least I will not have to send the unit back to ARNAV again to accomplish this upgrade…it will just require a firmware upgrade which I can do myself.

SR22 N925PW

pretty sure mine was 2K. Arnav turned it around in exactly 10 days like they said…hope to ‘see’ it tomorrow

What is the arnic conecter and what will it do how much is it. mine is going in for upgrade. And engin veaw on the 20 Thanks in advamce from Don

In reply to:

"Would someone mind briefly stating the key benefits for a VFR flyer, vs. AVIDYNE? Will graphics and detail be enhanced?THX!! "

The resolution and update speed will be greatly enhanced. Some of the airspaces, such as the prohibited area around Camp David, MD and the circular rings around airports previously were not circular, but somewhat elliptical. Additionally, the ARNAV had problems with bodies of water, they just weren’t colored blue. There are also some other ‘fixes’ and upgrades to the software including enhanced ground proximity avoidance features. Bottom line: with the new hard and software, the ARNAV screen seems like it will approach the Avidyne in clarity.

Technically, the screens are for “VFR reference only,” so there should be no difference in value of a VFR or IFR flyer. However, I do believe that the top of the line Avidyne has some additional functionality for flying IAPs.

A bigger issue is that if you are buying an SR20 with an ARNAV, the decision to upgrade the ARNAV or switch to the Avidyne is much simpler. I think the cost of the Avidyne installed is significantly north of $10,000. The cost of the ARNAV update is only about $2,000. The cost of doing nothing is $-0-. If after you see the current ARNAV, you are happy, then stick with it. If you think you need the upgrade go ahead. But personally, I don’t think it will be worth the money to switch to the Avidyne. My ARNAV will be going back to Pyallup, WA for upgrades this week.

My $0.02

Marty SR22 s/n 0017 N191KM

as re[orted a few days ago, I planned to update everyone with the ‘new upgrade’ ($2K). my plane was delayed a day at the service center so I plan to re-install this afternoon and i’ll give yoo my read on it later today (I hope).


The Arinc 429 interface is a stanrad avionics data bus. THe Garmins, Sandel, Skywatch and Stormscope all interface with this bus. THe new Avidyne also has the bus which is one of the reasons that it can draw smooth arcs as opposed to the “piecewise linear” approximations that you see on the ARNAV. I am most concerned about moving my collision avoidance data up to the ARNAV. In addition, I figure that sooner or later there will be realtime weather data. This interface just increases the versatility of the display. I think that the total price for the higher res display, ARINC interface and all of the firmware upgrades will end up being around $3400.

Hope that this helps.


I recently installed the Engine Monitoring on my Arnav. It is great, but it seems odd that the fuel flow and outside air temps don’t go into the Garmin for the Utility screens. With TWO OAT probes why do we still have to punch in the temperature every time we want to calculate the winds?! Will that happen when the Arnav is on the 429 bus?


“To which cylinder is the CHT probe attached?” (this would be for the factory-installed single probe). I might have flunked the answer.
Anybody know?

#2. Ours came from the factory in #3. On climb out it reached 300 the rest of the time it was below the green. After replacing the gauge and probe with no effect they noticed that according to the maintenance manual it should be in #2. The re routed the probe cable and connect the probe to #2. It not registers all the time.

On my SR22, CHT is on #2 and EGT is on #6. Those are the highest reading cylinders for each category.



#2. Ours came from the factory in #3. On climb out it reached 300 the rest of the time it was below the green. After replacing the gauge and probe with no effect they noticed that according to the maintenance manual it should be in #2. The factory confirmed that it should be in #2. They rerouted the probe cable and connected the probe to #2. It now registers all the time.

Don, do you think you have the new software, with the new terrain display, or just the hardware necessary for that higher-rez display? I had understood that the software was still trapped somewhere in the bowels of Arnav. Thanks.

Jim, my information is consistent with yours. I think I have it straight from the horse’s mouth (the President at ARNAV). His communication to me was they are targeting at next week.

For everyone’s benefit, so you don’t go through the up, down, and neutral that I did - until the the software is installed, there’s no difference from the new hardware. I thought, because nobody bothered to tell me about the softwared, that they didn’t install the hardware.
