Migration 2022 outings

Hi my wife and I are again heading to a USA migration (this’ll be the third !!). Look forward to catching up with old friends

Anyway the latest magazine arrived and the article on migration suggests a ‘spouse’ programme to review the ‘sprouting’ project and organic growing - which got Maggie (my missus) quite excited as she is a keen gardener of the organic variety.
It says book online as places may be limited - I cannot find anywhere to do so. Perhaps someone can send me a link? It would be a shame to come all the way across the Atlantic and miss out on a place!!

John & Maggie Murray

You can purchase a Sprouting Project Event ticket for your wife at the link below, you may also register for the Free Partner in command course and purchase a ticket forthe Owner Maintenance class via the same link if desired.

Looking forward to welcoming you both to Migration 2022

My wife, Vicki, will also be attending the spouses event! She goes every year and has yet to be disappointed! She is also doing the partner in command course for the 5th time.


Attending my first Migration. The Saturday Spouses event helped convince her to go. She also needs a PIC refresher.

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thanks all See you there

If you are at Migration, this is what you’ll have with your morning coffee.


Wait a minute… that must be the view I’ll enjoy with my early evening bourbon… right?

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I don’t know about you guys but I cannot wait for this part!


Crows? :smile:

We call the Sea Eagles. Say it fast and you’ll understand what they are!

So, bring your coffee and let’s take a walk in the morning sunshine

I don’t mean to highjack this thread but do we have a location where we can find things about Migration?

Lecture schedule
Do we have an arrival procedure?


Migration Website

Has info…

@ethannarber or @hanstb Can you provide the Flying in instructions here?

There is a form we need to fill out prior to arrival to KFHB. There will be a NOTAM and Temp Tower operated by the Florida Army National Guard will be active at the airport
from Thursday, October 6 through Monday the 10th

To view and download the Arrival Procedures and PPR Form document, please click here .


Hans beat me to it! That link will have the arrival procedures for KFHB and the PPR form to fill out and return to BentWing.

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This is awesome! We are getting so big that we need a tower!

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Thanks for that. I honestly looked everywhere and could not find this website. Maybe should be listed here?


Are we supposed to get a reply once we fill in the PPR? I sent it last Thursday but didn’t hear anything but I wasn’t clear if that was what to expect or if I should call the FBO.

Yes, you should have revived a call from Bent Wing to collect your CC number and also received a confirmation with a PPR number.

Please call Kathleen @ 904-849-4321, she will get you sorted.

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I emailed the form late night and got a PPR# the next morning.

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