I’m getting ready to sell my SR22 and I’m looking for advise on a good broker. What questions should I be asking and what should I be looking for from the company or individual. Referrals are always best so I’d appreciate any names.
TAS Chris Eichman: 503.272.1515 call him now
He sold two of our Cirrus very pleasantly!
Paul, please feel free to give me a call as well. We are a Platinum Service Center and I personally have over 15 years in the industry selling much more than Cirrus. I’m glad to share details when you have a free moment. Either way, I will put together a market analysis for you right now if you can call me with specifics on your SR22. My cell is 913-220-0948. Patrick Rydzewski
Jaime Steel at http://www.steelaviation.com does a great job.
I would not even consider anybody other than Chris Eichmann from TAS aircraft sales. He is top notch and you won’t be disappointed.
+1 for Jamie. I sold 20 and a 22 withe her and she did a super job.
Thanks to everyone for the referrals. I’ll contact these folks and see where it goes.
Paul, I would also recommend just listing your airplane on COPA and you might save yourself a broker fee. I buy and sell planes, so i am not trying to cut anyone out from making money, but this is a great forum with lots of people who know people looking for a Cirrus!
I’ve just had an excellent experience using Dave Fetherston of NexAir Avionics to sell my 2002 SR22. He can be reached at david.fetherston@nexairavionics.com or (508) 339-7077 or via http://www.nexairavionics.com
I would recommend Paul Sallach at Lone Mountain Aircraft. I have worked with Paul on over 20 transactions for clients both buying and selling and he does a fantastic job. Paul Sallach
When I sold my 20, I used TAS as well, and was very happy with them. They were terrific.
I used Chris’s partner, Steve Schwartz. I expect either one will do the job well.
I have used Mark Rogers @ Lone Mountain and have been very satisfied with him. IMHO he works as hard as anybody out there. 937-689-6586
I tried several of the known/high volume Cirrus brokers without success. I gave my SR-20 to Jade Dukart at Wisconsin Aviation & she had it sold in 3 weeks. She dotted all the "i"s & crossed all the "t"s 920-253-9526
When I bought my SR 20 I used Jade to find me one. She found me a GREAT plane! Unfortunately, Jade has moved on and is now selling Jets. A loss for WisAv for sure.