did anybody else see
the ignoramus demanding
restrictions on GA in
did anybody else see
the ignoramus demanding
restrictions on GA in
did anybody else see
the ignoramus demanding
restrictions on GA in
AOPA has already responded to this article. See www.aopa.org for details.
Look guy’s and gal’s don’t get me wrong. I dislike goverment interference in any part of our lives . But the guy that wrote the article has a valid and good point! We can not ignore the risk of leaving the GA fleet unsecured. Is is like sticking our heads in the sand. No one would think of leaving a car parked on a steep incline without the parking brake engaged, right? Right now the incline is very steep for GA ! Heaven forbid something unspeakable happens with a GA aircraft stuffed full of explosives or chemicals. Should this happen we can kiss our flying freedom goodbye for a long time. I propose a preventative and proactive approach. We should as pilots unite and do our civic duty and prevent such a thing from ever happening. How? It is very simple but it has to happen fast! Every GA aircraft on US soil should have an anti-theft device on it. Whether it is as simple and low tech as a prop lock or mixture lock or a wheel lock. It should be illegal to leave your plane parked without it. Pilots should institute a neighbourhood watch on their airfields and report any suspected activity. Furthermore AOPA and the FAA need to figure out a way to positively authenticate every pilot on the wheel. Sounds tough but is should not be such a big deal considering the availability of technological means and the gravity of the situation. Sure it will be an inconvenience but I think not too bad considering the alternative. I am an active GA pilot who values my right,priviledge and joy to fly an airplane and I don’t want terrorists to do harm to our families and our nation and truly destroy the GA business forever.