How is the Cirrus SR22 for tall guys?

Thank you!



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Thanks for the tip!

My son is 6’9” and fits fine. He does lay back a bit but it works.


Thank you!

Alex, you have plenty of good feedback, but just as another, I’m 6’4" and the cirrus is perfect. I can comfortably have my seat on the last 3 notches on the track, or even off the track all the way back. There have actually been fatals believe it or not where shorter people on takeoff didnt have their seat latched appropriately and when they fell back crashed the airplane. I admit, I never really check if my seat is properly latched, and many times on takeoff it has slipped back, but is never an issue at all.

Where are you located. Im in south carolina. Ever around the area feel free to send me a message, can take a ride in mine with me

Thanks for the feedback! I am down here in TX but if I am ever in south carolina I will let you now thank you!

6’6" or 6’7" budddy of mine joins me (I’m 6-2) with no issues. I can send pix if you like if you want.

Try one on. I flew the Cessna 400 before pulling trigger on the Cirrus–the roominess of the Cirrus plus the chute were the major reasons I chose my SR-22T.

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6’5” 260# comfy in 22G3
For along time I flew with the seat all back not realizing it wasn’t locked. Hit some turbulence landing at a mountain airport and the seat slid forward a lot. I sorted it out but realized a safety issue. Now all the way back minus fully locked in the last detent with 1 notch reclined works well. Comfy unless a “fatty” next to me
And I cover the mixture like a fanatic….


Thank you!


I’m 2.08m 6’10” comfortably seat at SR20
Probably the tallest Cirrus pilot in the World

If you fit in the SR20, you’ll be fine in the SR22 as the cabin/fuselage is identical.

I’m 6’8” so I know the concern well!


COPA needs a basketball team. :joy::joy::joy:


Cabin/fuselage are the same but In S22 compering to SR20 the wings are thicker, you seat a bit higher, to fit I have to tilt the seat one notch,

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Wow, I feel like a shorty at a mere 6‘3“.

My SR 22 cabin is comfortable though.

Interestingly, my elderly father was 2m tall (6’ 7") and found it easier to enter the back seat as a passenger. The way that the Cirrus doors open made it a simple step down to enter the back seat footwell then sit. Getting into the front seat was too much of a contortion for him due to his lack of strength at 80+, something to consider.

Legroom for him in the back was ample without concern for where the front seats were positioned.



6’ 4” and fit just fine. Seat has to lean back a couple notches. I have long torso relative to hight and still fine. I tip my A20 forward a bit. Plenty of leg room. Side stick makes it nice for leg mobility on long flights and getting in.

I CaNNOT fit in a Meridian or Malibu. Ceiling too low. PC-12 just fine.

Everyone and everything fits in the PC12!

The more I look into it the more I am convinced the PC12 is the airplane that makes the least amount of compromises all around.

Makes sense why they are so popular and expensive.

But back on topic I’m 6’2-6’3 and fit just fine in the SR22. I am impressed someone at 6’10 fits as it seems my head is pretty close to the ceiling. I think I like to sit up pretty straight so leaning the seat back would help and you can do that in the cirrus. I barely fit comfortably in the PA46 but you can’t really lean the seat back which makes it a problem if you were any taller than me.