glare shield and dash sticky do I replace it, use a solvent to clean or cover with something?
Recent post on our Forums here about this.
I flew a 2015 SR 22 always hangared, in Central Florida yesterday. Sticky dash panels very offputting. Only bad issue on the plane with only 360 Hobbs hours. Question product flaw? Apparently not uncommon according to this post. Warranty issue? Minor issue compared to many, but enough to make a large investment less appealing.
Does any one have any further information on this issue? I have a 2013 G5 with sticky panels around the instruments. Glare shield is fine but the ones just below the displays and on either side are looking really bad. They’re sticky, lint sticks to them, any contact leaves a mark, and we’ve tried numerous ways to clean/resolve the issue with no luck. Any ideas?
Just purchased a 2012 and same issue. Spoke with Midwest Refinishing and they said it’s a known issue with the panels. With age and sun exposure (unhangered) they lose their “skin”. Only fix is to replace. I even checked in to wrap but they said it won’t fix it. Also said don’t try to clean or it just makes a mess. About $7k to replace. I will put up with it.
I have had my fair share of sticky buttons with Italian cars. I’ve used a company called stickyrx who always reconditioned the buttons to brand new for me. I wonder if they can do the same for the Cirrus glareshield. Legality may be an issue.