East Coast Fly-In Update

Hello All,

RSVP’s are coming in fast and furious, as the East Coast Cirrus contingent plans our weekend extravaganza at Ocean City, NJ May 12.

This is shaping up to be a party that would make Tony Soprano proud! The west coast wine sippers have drawn a line in the sand…

Lets have some fun!

Please e-mail me your name, plane type, tail number and let me know if you will be staying for dinner in Atlantic City on Saturday night.

See everyone on May 12,


SR22 #228

I’ll be in Aruba on the 12’th but I’ll let my partners know about the get together. Hopefully one of them will show up with 171CD.


Hello All,

RSVP’s are coming in fast and furious, as the East Coast Cirrus contingent plans our weekend extravaganza at Ocean City, NJ May 12.

This is shaping up to be a party that would make Tony Soprano proud! The west coast wine sippers have drawn a line in the sand…

Lets have some fun!

Please e-mail me your name, plane type, tail number and let me know if you will be staying for dinner in Atlantic City on Saturday night.

See everyone on May 12,


SR22 #228

Dear Jeff, I have SR20 N11XT. I am from Charlottesville Va. CHO. I can’t be at your party on May 12, but want to be added to your invite list. I would like to know of any other Cirrus aircraft in our area. Thanks L W L