E6 - COPA Europe Fly-In to Jersey, Channel Islands

2008 European Cirrus Pilot Program

Dear Cirrus Pilot,

This is to inform you about the Cirrus events we are planning for 2008 in Europe. We very much hope that weÂ’ll see you on one or more opportunities:

May 16 – 18, 2008
Cirrus Pilot Proficiency Training (CPPP) in Southend, UK

June 20 – 22, 2008
E6 – the Yearly European Cirrus Fly-In, this time to the Isle of Jersey, Channel Islands

July 4 – 6, 2008
Cirrus Pilot Proficiency Training (CPPP) in Avignon, France

September 12 – 14, 2008
Cirrus Pilot Proficiency Training (CPPP) in Baden-Baden, Germany

The CPPP courses already show on the COPA website (www.cirruspilots.org) and are ready to book. Please note that we can only handle a limited number of attendees per course and that we are strictly first come – first served. Details on the CPPP program are published on the website.

The European Migration – E6 – will bring us to Jersey, Channel Islands. Together with the local Cirrus community, the Jersey Aero Club, and many others, we already are deep in the preparations for this Fly-In event. Weather in June is favourable to visit this beautiful island, situated in the English Channel between France and England, close to Normandy.

The program will start in the afternoon of Friday, June 20, with the arrival at the airport of Jersey, where we will be greeted and assisted by the Jersey Aeroclub.

After being transferred into your hotels, weÂ’ll rejoin in the evening for an informal get-together and dinner.

On Saturday, weÂ’ll offer something for every taste: In the morning (9-12), weÂ’ll present the highly recommended CDM Safety Course - Critical Decision Making. In parallel, for the non-pilots, weÂ’ll offer a sightseeing tour, or you are free to stroll the streets and do some tax-free shopping.

In the afternoon, excursions to some scenic points are planned. Details will be given in our next letter, closer to the event.

Finally, in the evening, we’ll have the traditional banquet for the whole Cirrus Family – a wonderful opportunity to socialize with friends, and friends to be made.

The choice of hotels in Jersey is nearly unlimited – you’ll find everything from a cozy bed-and-breakfast to the most luxury 5 star hotel. COPA decided to pre-book rooms in the newly opened SAS Radisson Waterfront Hotel, which offers a stunning view to the sea.

The rooms in the Radisson are rated at 120 British Pounds per night if you mention “COPA” when booking.

Nollaig Clancy | Meetings & Events Co-ordinator | Radisson SAS Waterfront Hotel, Jersey | Phone: +44 1534 671 100 | Direct: +44 1534 671 172 | Fax: +44 1534 671 101 | Email: Nollaig.Clancy@RadissonSAS.com

Whether you decide to book yourself into the Radisson or into any other hotel is of course your choice. If you are looking for Grand Luxury, you may want to stay in the “Atlantic” or the “Longue Villon Manor”. Other hotels and B&Bs can be easily found via the Internet (eg. www.jersey.com ).

At this time, we are working with a car hire firm to provide rental cars at the airport, in case you want to have your own wheels. Details to be published in our next letter.

Registration for E6 runs via the COPA web site. Go to www.cirruspilots.org and select “Calendar of Events” and follow the instructions there. Registration fees are as follows:

Before March 1, 2008

Adult 200 (approx. € 140) Accompanying Youth (under 15) 100 (approx. € 70)

Before May 15, 2008

Adult 250 (approx. € 170) Accompanying Youth (under 15) 100 (approx. € 70)

Later than May 15, 2008

Adult 280 (approx. € 190) Accompanying Youth (under 15) 100 (approx. € 70)

Registration fee includes bus shuttle service from the airport to the hotels and the banquet on Saturday evening.

Refund / Cancellation Policy

Registration fee includes cancellation insurance. The registrations for E6 can be cancelled any time before or after the event. The registration fee refund policy is as follows: $175 for Adults, $75 for youth (less than 15 years old).

We very much hope that this program finds your interest and that weÂ’ll all meet in Jersey.

For now, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Timm Preusser, Nick Carter, Curt Sanford
COPA Europe Jersey E6 Team COPA President