COPA Migration 17- Registration is Open!

I knew I was special… Actually, it is my firm platform currently. At least for another 30 days


If I am not mistaken in the firm you work for, They should know better! Let me know if there is a CIO opening there, I think there should be if your still running IE!

Some companies are small enough that the CEO also has to serve as CIO. He or she has to set priorities. Software updating does not make money. My software upgrades are based only on what functionality I need that I do not have. Nothing else matters.

Over 2b in net revenue in the first qtr. … I think we are doing ok…

Sorry, I was not implying anything whatsoever about the size of any company except my own. If you inferred that, I apologize. If Erik’s comment was directed only to you personally and not the forum in general, I did not know that either.

No worries at all…

Is there a cost for ONLY the Banquet on Friday night? My husband would like to attend the banquet with me, but not the other schedules events.

Thanks, Florence Bethard

Florence, we have One Day, Two Day and Three Day passes available, but not a pass for the Friday Night Event only.

You can find out more about the event here:

Hope that helps!

Bill Myers

COPA M17 Co-Chair

Thanks, Bill – that’s what I needed to know! Florence


I hope you like this year’s speaker!

If you didn’t see who it was:


Dale Klapmeier will be our Keynote.

Still time to register.

As I have in the past. Here is the current Ranking of States Registered.

It seems we are missing a few state this year as of today. Florida and Texas are Neck and Neck!

“Early Bird” Registration is open unit this Sunday September 1st! Register Now!